
Spellcasting system

Started by July 17, 2003 02:28 PM
35 comments, last by Platinum314 21 years, 5 months ago
Well, hell those links didn''t work, but you can do a cut''n''paste.
quote: (Note that the ROM is NOT available on that site).
Of course not! Thanks!!

(Bloody hell, what is it with those people who ask for actual ROM locations, anyway? Can''t they use a search engine? The only ROMs that are difficult to find are PSX ISOs, and even those can be found if you give it some effort. )
Ok i have not much time because its late where I am and also i have to think first of all aspects of the problem.

But 2 things that came to my mind while reading.To prevent loops Why not have ending words necessary for aspell to function, and based on some factors in the spell the necessary ending words could differ.

When you want prevent spell in becoming to long and do not want to bring in mp, how about words in a spell can create disharmony against each other? Such when there are several words with similar effects you would have to choose carefully to not use one which disharmonize with another word.Maybe the words would be compared based on their place in thew sentence 1 versus 6 word 2 versus 3 word etc

The power of spell and disharmomy should have a feedback on the magician if the feedback is to strong and the magician do not succeed in a test on his willpower determination etc the magician will be hurt, effected based on the feedback.

Either a magician ability is based on the amount and kind of words he has learned and the maximum he can learn,or spells would have to be burnt inside your mind to use them without limitation. Limitation means you would have to create a magical script to use/try a spell, you would need special paper and special ink (maybe different ink for different words). Because burning a spell into your mind would need sometime and maybe the amount you can burn into mind would be limited people which can use a certain spell would be limited.(you only could burn one spell at the same time in your mind).

Maybe some words would only function at certain places or time?
So there would be spells which would have to be cast at certain astrological occasions in a certain place etc.
When you have nothing to say,I advise you talk nonsense :D
Linker words could be interestering there words that do nothing unlessed linked with corrisponding link word.

KAR - Target Link
SHI - Self Link

VITA - Life
LIL - Transfer

KAR LIL VITA SHI - would Transfer life from an enemy to your


VO - Bind
GLIM - Astral

KAR GLIM VO KAR - would create an astral change between to targets

The most difficult aspect of your system is finding a way to balance spells and ensuring that spell creation is not a time consuming process no wants to be forced to debug there magic spell.

Writer, Programer, Cook, I''m a Jack of all Trades
Current Design project
Chaos Factor Design Document

Just to let all of you know, my spellcasting system has come quite a distance now. I have a great graphical method for representing the spells. I have found simple ways to implement 2d code effects, and controlled loops.

Something that I did that fixed a lot of the problems was the idea of a spell requiring some of your magical skill (or all of it) The less it has the more likely the piece of the spell will skip or do something else. Each cycle in the spell will use up some of the energy that you distribute to it.

I am almost to the point where I can start making a list of the elementary spells & then start programming it.

P.S. Thanks for your suggestions and ideas
The sentence below is true.The sentence above is false.And by the way, this sentence only exists when you are reading it.
I think you should code special effects for spells. Like explosions. Try using 3-D studio max.
Try making basic codes like. Succestion percentage, damage inflicted, and requirments. Keep it simple.

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