
Random Black

Started by July 15, 2003 04:55 PM
2 comments, last by CtrlAltDel 21 years, 2 months ago
Nice Demo, but after it has been running awhile, black (stuff) begins to appear... Slow the black goes away it flickers back and looks good for a time, then switches back to the black(ness). It continues rolling black to good and some flickering until it finishes. Windows Xp 256m Ram Geforce 2 MX Its my Geforce 2 isn''t it?
Its my Geforce 2 isn''t it?

yes. it''s a feature of the gforce2. when the gpu gets bored with a scene it starts rendering random things just to make it more interesting.
it''s like that well known "bouncing bunny" bug in quake3, that also only happens on gforce hardware.

It''s not your GeForce2, I''m running a GeForce2 MX and everything works fine. I did make the change posted near the bottom of
this thread to get rid of something like your problem.

That fixed it right up, thanks

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