quote: Original post by TechnoGoth
Is it possible to make and rpg, adventure, or action game. That has no combat in it?
the problem with that is (generally) the main, most time-consuming, and only way to improve your character is through combat. so, if you cut out the combat completely, there will be nothing to do in the game ("go find me the crystal in the 7th level of that dungeon, to unlock a path to the next town, but don't worry; there is no monsters to fight on the way"). i mean, you could still go around finding things, and buying items (not heal potions or swords though)... and it turns into an adventure game without the great puzzles.
to make the game not completely suck, you would have to replace the combat with something else that takes just as much of the gameplay time as all the random fighting. this activity would have to allow for character improvement, and give you money when you win, so you can go buy stuff at the villages.
i never saw much combat in adventure games (unless you mean something other than those old sierra adventure games), as they were more about puzzles and such.
quote: And would such a game still appeal to a wide audience?
if you did it well, yes but a lot of the people who would buy "RPG SlaughterQuest for the UberSword" would be unhappy with it unless your combat-replacement was very neat.
[edited by - krez on July 8, 2003 4:37:11 PM]