quote: Original post by RolandofGilead??? That was normal... sadly.
TSwitch, good points, I'd love to see how smart you are with a stable, normal mental condition
quote: btw has anyone actually responded to the second question, what to do when the story ends?MMORPG Commandment #1:
Thou shalt not wipe a player's character(s) information, under penalty of pain of having your testicles removed with a spork.
People don't take kindly (this is from personal experience) to having their work wiped out.
Best bet in this case is, for the next story/episode, to have different roles for each general level of characters. Low level characters could gather items or serve as cannon fodder/nurses in PvP battles. High level characters could go into more dangerous places or be the true warriors in the PvP battles.
God help you if you think that wiping characters will make people stay longer. Of course, NOT wiping characters means people will get to that highest possible level (either imposed by the game or by human will). That's not a problem, so long as you keep those high levels entertained. Don't, and they'll get bored and leave. But pissing off your customers will get you out of a job faster.
I wouldn't suggest having people pay on a per-story basis. If the story lasts too long, you aren't going to make money. If the stories are too short, you're going to be working your freakin' tail off making up new ones. Just have a per-month, bimonthly or whatever period for a subscription and make reasonably long stories, ones that take at least a month or two.
I don't know why you would consider ending the game itself. This goes along with the whole "don't wipe characters" thing. I don't think many people would want to play a game that is over as soon as you finish the story. That's called a single player game. You made a persistent world only to have it end ?
[edited by - TSwitch on July 8, 2003 11:48:53 PM]