quote: Original post by D_JildQuantum
Hey i just thaught i might let you know, This could become the next Stick Soldiers
it was bound to happen someday...but i thought Stick Soldiers got pwned by Soldat?
quote: Original post by D_JildQuantum
Hey i just thaught i might let you know, This could become the next Stick Soldiers
Original post by D_JildQuantum
This could become the next Stick Soldiers
Let me know if you want to add them into the game, or sell them as updates or something :-D
hehe i have had the update for 6 days now :-P anyway, do i just email you the custom ones?
quote: Original post by demonrazor2003
man dammit!
simplistic in its design, but one difficult p-o-s(for me anyways)in its gameplay.
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Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. [https://trist.am]