
Anyone want to test my first 3D game

Started by June 18, 2003 05:52 PM
58 comments, last by rickp101 21 years, 7 months ago
I mean when the window loses focus (like if the user hits ALT+TAB or something). I''ll have to check your code for a fix. Basically you just need to handle the WM_ACTIVATE message and do the mouse resetting thing only if your app is active. Chances are that you''ll have to do some more stuff if you haven''t handled this message before (like changing resolution problems, etc.). Obviously I can''t test for them because most of the problems lie in switching tasks while in fullscreen mode.

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nicely done!

getting constant 60fps on my 2.4 ghz, 512 RAM, 128 VRAM system.. must go play more
Original post by Anonymous Poster
nicely done!

getting constant 60fps on my 2.4 ghz, 512 RAM, 128 VRAM system.. must go play more

oops forgot to login, but yah very nice game. May I ask what books/references you read to get to this point(so good)? thanks!
I'm a newbie, please don't hurt me!
Thanks NoDoubt,

I have just finished a computing degree that covered modules such as 2D and 3D graphics, Advanced Graphics and Animation and Games Programing as well as teaching me some C++ and OpenGL. I''d say my degree set me up to understand what people are talking about in tutorials and on forums, especially with the Maths behind 3D graphics but to be honest most of what I used for this game (in terms of OpenGL) I have taught myself from Nehe''s site and tutorials, I also had a bit of help from the OpenGL Game Programming book (LaMothe, Hawkins, Astle) although to be honest not as much as I would have expected, that isn''t to say it isn''t useful just that I haven''t used it much yet myself.

I tested it at work. Its pretty kool. Since we have pretty crappy hardware at work 1gz and an Intel Exteream gfx card I only got around 30fps. But I was surprised thats you dont have any model lifes or map files. Are they built into the exe? If you put them in by hand youve made a big mistake. You should use BSP(all Quake engine based games use this) for the world and MDL(Half-Life) MD2(Quake II) or MD3(Quake III) for the models.
--------------------------Nukemmsn: nukem996@hotmail.comaim: nukem996open source open mind
Nice I haven''t gotten NeHe''s CD-Rom (going on 2 weeks now <aherm!> so I have never made an OpenGL game I can provide no input.


Radeon 7500/64MB
AMD Athlon 1.4GHz
1GB DDR Memory
166MHz FSB


INVERSE MOUSE! So up is down and down is up ;-P

Nice game! Wonderful job! Just think: it took ID Software almost 2 full years to create Doom 1 It took ID Software just as long to create the Quake 1 engine.

One quickly begins to appreciate OpenGL.
I recieved 30.0 frames. Pretty good for a first try. FPS aren''t my thing though (rpg), but I like it. Just need a little texture on the hand and gun.

The models are included in the .exe as display lists exported from 3D Studio Max 5 using Deep Exploration.

There probably is a better way as I think it is because of this that the frame rate isn''t so hot so I will look into them for future projects.
I know you''re demo''s been up for quite some time, but I went back to check it out and noticed a bug I thought you might want to know about:

The recoil on the gun doesn''t stop when you''re pointing straight up.....meaning if you shoot over and over without turning or repositiong via mouse, you wind up standing on your head and you can walk around like that.

Good game.
Nice game! :-)

My stats:
about 45FPS @ Athlon XP2000+, 512 DRR, FX5200

When I read this topic I noticed that your frame rate doesn''t really depend on the graphics card (GeForce2MX@30FPS, ATI9700Pro@55FPS, there is no great difference)! Maybe your bottleneck is at you CPU!

--------------------------------------------------------There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.There is another theory which states that this has already happened...

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