Thanks again all who have tested it.
Gonosz - I have actually left it possible to shoot the targets when they are on their way down deliberately. Kind of a last chance to hit them if you are quick enough. What does everyone reckon should I leave it like that or make them unhittable once on their way down? Also I am really not sure why the framerate is so low, have been trying to work that one out for a while now.
Don't see why I should hide the code so here is a link to the source if anyone is interested (Visual C++): trainer source.zipIf anyone is that interested then feel free to have a look through and see if you can spot any reason to why it is running slowly.
Pipo DeClown - I added the shaking as it was way too easy to hit exactly where you wanted and seemed a bit too unrealistic although I do agree with your philosophy on games

As to the people hitting 50 - 60 fps that is probably about right as it is limited to a frame refresh every 15 ms which works out to about 66 fps so even with a top graphics card you will only get 66.
Here is a link to the game with no limit on the framerate: trainerNoLimit.zipSee what you get with this version, beware though the targets are not time-based like the player movement so they will move pretty quickly on fast graphics cards which shouldnt detract from gameplay, just realism.
[edited by - rickp101 on June 23, 2003 7:03:10 PM]