
Anyone want to test my first 3D game

Started by June 18, 2003 05:52 PM
58 comments, last by rickp101 21 years, 7 months ago
Original post by GamerSg
Was just wondering, i thought that textures in OpenGL were limited to the size of 256X256?

Then how is it that you are able to texture map a 1024X768 map with the resolution being 1024X768 onscreen?

256x256 is just recomended, you can use bigger textures with no problem. I used 1024x1024 once... It only depends about your graphics card. I suggest experimenting..
Nice work.
I have noticed one bug, when a target is disappearing, you can still shoot it like it is in its original position.

Why is the FPS so low ? For such games you should have at least 70-90 fps so that the speed of aiming will depend only on the players'' skills.

Nice Game.

49.0 FPS
I love it! Can you remove the shaking? A game is for fun, not for real.
Nice first game. I only got 55 fps on a 1700 with a 9700 pro. Other than the suprising low framerate (although it seems it doesnt degrade much with slower cards) its a good game.
Thanks again all who have tested it.

Gonosz - I have actually left it possible to shoot the targets when they are on their way down deliberately. Kind of a last chance to hit them if you are quick enough. What does everyone reckon should I leave it like that or make them unhittable once on their way down? Also I am really not sure why the framerate is so low, have been trying to work that one out for a while now.

Don't see why I should hide the code so here is a link to the source if anyone is interested (Visual C++): trainer

If anyone is that interested then feel free to have a look through and see if you can spot any reason to why it is running slowly.

Pipo DeClown - I added the shaking as it was way too easy to hit exactly where you wanted and seemed a bit too unrealistic although I do agree with your philosophy on games

As to the people hitting 50 - 60 fps that is probably about right as it is limited to a frame refresh every 15 ms which works out to about 66 fps so even with a top graphics card you will only get 66.

Here is a link to the game with no limit on the framerate:

See what you get with this version, beware though the targets are not time-based like the player movement so they will move pretty quickly on fast graphics cards which shouldnt detract from gameplay, just realism.

[edited by - rickp101 on June 23, 2003 7:03:10 PM]
Original post by Screams of Chaos
Nice Game.

49.0 FPS

i have a 2.2ghz with a GF2MX and i get 30.0fps.
Weird aint it.

impressive work
P4 2.4GHZ
GeForce4 MX 440

to people getting fixed fps like 30fps: disable V-Sync to get the real fps.
I mean if you shoot a disappearing target where it *was*, the program will count it as a hit. The mark is moving, the hitbox keeps still.

Why is the framerate limited to 66 fps ?
BTW. P4 1.6 256 RDRAM, GF2, 42-45 fps.

Aaaah, thanks for pointing that out, trying to think off top of head how I coded that but there may well be a problem, will look into it today and update it accordingly.

Thanks Gonosz

I limited it to 66 fps (1 refresh every 15 ms) as there were a few things that are not time-based (targets moving up/down) and so just ensured that a really fast video card didn't have it moving too quickly. I will add time based movement to these as well at some point and remove the limit.

[edited by - rickp101 on June 23, 2003 6:03:50 AM]

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