
Bringing BSD up to Stable

Started by June 16, 2003 05:38 PM
3 comments, last by OctDev 21 years, 7 months ago
Suppose you have multiple (Open)BSD boxes on one network, running generic kernels. And suppose you brought one up to stable, and would like to bring another one to stable as well, but this one is slower than molasses. Anychance that there is an easier/faster way then letting it compile things all night?
The Tyr project is here.

Welcome to the world of not having binary updates.

In short, no ( although some are doing it outside of the official project ).

Indeed, this can be quite an annoyance when managing many OpenBSD boxes.. and quite implausible if you use them in a mission-critical manner when you''re talking about recompiling from source for things like OpenSSL flaws or system call holes ( ala the select() bug, etc ). Managing your own OpenBSD CVS mirror can cut down on some of the time, but inevitably the recompile does the most damage.

If you want to start down the dark path of doing it yourself, start with the release man page and go from there. It isn''t really a fun task at all, trust me.



If the machines are the same you could easily rsync the entire stable tree over and if you haven''t trimmed down the GENERIC kernel at all it should run without too much trouble upon reboot.

The above post was specifically regarding updating without any recompile.


Some further research reveals some work by one of the OpenBSD developers ( it''s been awhile since I''ve kept in step with OpenBSD, since I use it for very little ( IPSec/pf/misc routing protocol testing stuff ):


Thanx for the info, and that link. That''s interesting.

My primary concern is updating my firewall which is a mere pentium. It could tke all week to recompile things! Anyway, I''ll look into the binary patches possibility a bit more and see if it applies. Thanx again.
The Tyr project is here.

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