
3ds max e cell shading

Started by June 14, 2003 09:28 AM
3 comments, last by Link 21 years, 7 months ago
i would make my 3d sprite cell sheding with 3ds max 4.2. Who is so nice to explain me how i do?
haha, ur nuts.

um if you wanna make a sprite using a 3d modeling program i guess you could just render to a file with a known background color.

I dunno if its just me but i thought this post was kinda funny. Short Sweet Foreign (to me)
You''d have to play with light sources in 3dsmax, of course, you should know that if you bothered to shell out the cash for such a program. I mean, there is an entire section of the manual dedicated to light sources.

Democracy may only be a few steps removed from anarchy, but at least it isn''t as loud.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
some good tutorial?
how import in the game 3d sprite in cell shading?
there is a cell shading renderer for 3dsmax. Just do a google search (I dont have the link on hand).

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