
Dynamic arrays???

Started by June 13, 2000 05:08 AM
12 comments, last by jocke 24 years, 6 months ago
I have been trying to do this also... I can dynamically allocate an array like this:

int **map;*map = new (int *)[10];for (int i=0 ; i<10 ; i++){map = new int[10];}  

But then for some reason I *CAN* access the data one by one like this:

map[2][3] = 4;   

But I can't access it with a loop like this:

for (int i=0 ; i<10 ; i++){map[2] = 3;}   

Perhaps the most strange thing is that my compiler tells me that the program is crashing when I declare
*map = new (int *)[10]   

I think that my compiler is trying to optimise things by putting all the loops together or something but the end result is pretty buggered!

Anyone know what is happening?


Edited by - wise_guy on June 13, 2000 9:13:04 PM

Edited by - wise_Guy on June 13, 2000 9:14:31 PM
the reason you can taccess it like
map[2] = 3;
is the same reason as if you didn''t dynamically create the array
like if you created it like
int map[10][10];
you cant say
map[2] = 3;
you need
map[2][something] = 3;
just because it was allocated still cant try to access an element with only one indes like map[2] = 3;
you need both indexed like map[2][something] = 3;

"Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time"
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
themGames Productions

The reason why you cant access the variable ala var[1] = 3; is because var is a pointer to an array of pointers. If the compiler lets you get away with var[1] = 3; then you just screwed up one of your arrays and you program will get an access violation.
As for your for loop it should look something like this:
for( int x = 0; x < width; x++ )
for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
var[y][x] = 4;[code/]
For the decleration line try:
int **var;<br>for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )<br> var[y] = new (int)*[width];[code/]<br><font color = "red">OneEyeLessThanNone<br><br><font color = "green">oversleep half hour and be late by one </pre>
Another solution:
    #include &ltvector>using namespace std; // lets us use vector// I'm using "grid" instead of "map" because map is// a kind of data structure.  Just FYItypedef vector< vector< Iso_Tile > > Iso_Grid;// create height # of empty vectorsIso_Grid grid (height);// now create the vector in each height columnfor (int i=0; i<grid.size (); i++)  grid[ i ].resize (width);// now, you can access them like this:Iso_Tile& tile = grid[x][y];// and when you're all done, there's no need to delete// anything because vectors automatically release memory!!    

Edited by - Stoffel on June 15, 2000 1:18:56 PM

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