
problem with fullscreen...

Started by June 10, 2003 03:51 AM
8 comments, last by MGamer 21 years, 8 months ago
I dont know why, but I when I start my opengl program in fullscreen-mode, I can always see the taskbar and "this" above, where you can see the title of the program and the icon. can anybody help? sorry 4 sucking english
Make sure your window has the WS_POPUP style (to put it over the taskbar). Remove the WS_CAPTION style to get rid of the window''s titlebar.

That don''t helps...
In that case you may have buggy drivers
The title bar should disappear, though, without the WS_CAPTION style set. What is the style you have set?

When I started with OpenGL I didn''t had this prob, but now I have it, so I thought that I mad something wrong.
But ok, maybe I have buggy drivers...
And my style is the WS_POPUP style.

Ah, and thx that u try 2 help.
Does the taskbar go away if you click on your rendering window?

Use _only_ WS_VISIBLE | WS_POPUP as your window style. If that doesn''t work, check to see if your code that gets you into fullscreen really is there =)
Ok, I''ll try
There must be something wrong with my PC. When I gave my Demo 2 a friend, he said that the fullscreen worx (he uses WinXP)...
Probably buggy drivers.


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