
Aliens [ Attack On Colony ] - EXCELLENT GAME ( Screnshot )

Started by June 01, 2003 04:12 AM
59 comments, last by Borek 21 years, 2 months ago

Hmm ...

What if the game is "loosely" based on the Aliens movie? What if Borek & designers changed the title? What if they simply gave credit for the inspirartion, and included a disclaimer that:
a) The product is not to be sold
b) The product is neither affiliated with Fox nor endorsed by Fox ...

This question has come up before, in the RPG community, where some designer was able to make a zelda-like game without needing permission from Nintendo (NEC).

I will look into this and see what you will need to continue without interference.
This isn''t NVidia card problem, the NVidia DRIVERS sucks

30 FPS is max
Aliens [ Attack On Colony ]--------------------------

This project would be considered a "derivative" work, yes? Probably all the tiles and/or sprites and/or menu screens are original works of art.

Check out:

Go to "Interview",
IP Attorney 2 Interview on Copyright 2

Since this program is being given away for free, it probably isn''t hurting Fox''s sales in the "Aliens" department. My guess is, this activity should be tolerated without any problem. If anything, it could make more people want to buy off-the-shelf "Aliens" toys and games.
quote: Original post by _eye
Since this program is being given away for free, it probably isn''t hurting Fox''s sales in the "Aliens" department. My guess is, this activity should be tolerated without any problem. If anything, it could make more people want to buy off-the-shelf "Aliens" toys and games.

Unfortunately, "Should be tolerated" has rarely stopped an on-staff, salaried lawyer from trying to further his/her career by suing someone and making money for the company.

I know this game. I downloaded it a few weeks ago. It definitely kicks ass. I have no idea what to do about the performance problems. It ran fine on my old craptacular 433 Celly and Rage Pro.
Just because it''s free doesn''t mean it can''t hurt sales. That''s a typical fallacy, or willful ignorance, of modders and hobbyist developers.
quote: uhh wth? 4 fps, geforce4 ti4200, p4 2.2ghz, 768 megs of ram.... wth is this thing supposed to run on? its only 2d?!?

Hmmm this is Nvidia DRIVERS problem, the game requirements is:

P III 600
128 RAM
Aliens [ Attack On Colony ]--------------------------
Borek, is there anything you can do to optimize your game to run better with the nVidia cards? You say it the drivers'' problem, but really it''s yours too. There are thousands of games out there that work great with nVidia video cards. Thousands of people with nVidia vid cards will not be able to play your game, this should be of great concern to you if you want your game to be enjoyed by as many people as possible. I''d see if I couldn''t find out the problem and try to make it work. It is definately worth the effort.

Just Smile and Nod...
I AM an Army of One... I just have 10,000 other Armies of One to back me up!
I can't believe how you all go on about how *dangerous* it is that it looks like the Aliens movies - who gives a crap ?

"Alien breed" looked ten times more like "aliens" , with face-huggers, alien in it's name and everything - they did pretty ok.

Luckily, not all countries has drewling, paranoid lawyers on every corner - oh, in fact - only one country has.

Borek - never mind the losers, your game looks great!!
It doesnt need to change the title or graphics.

Keep up the good work.


Dobbs, PropellerBoy, _eye and all you others:

Don't you think "space Hulk" and 10^6 other games have a aliens theme that remotely reminds one of the movie Aliens? what makes you think "Aliens" invented all this - why not "lost in space" from the 50's (they had an alien in the show) or "war of the worlds" from the 40's or Jules Vernes "the jurney to the moon" from 18-hundred-something??


[edited by - UlfLivoff on June 23, 2003 8:17:42 PM]
Just played the game. Thought it was pretty good. It worked great on my computer, which is a 1.4ghz Athlon, 512 mb, and a Diamond Viper 770 video card. Yes, that's right, a video card whose company got bought out and doesn't even have drivers available on their web site anymore.

I saw someone mention elsewhere in the forums that newer video cards actually don't do so hot on 2D, since games tend to be moving to all 3D. So it may just be that the drivers or hardware isn't up to handling a lot of complex 2D stuff. But I'm no pro, it's just a thought.

But the game was cool, and the art for the intro and menu screen was sweet. One thing, it might be nice if you put instructions for the controls somewhere. I assume they'd go under 'Options' but that just hasn't been put in yet.

EDIT: Or, I could have been smart and read the Readme for the controls...

-*- My cheap, ad-ridden homepage -*-

[edited by - Mermphity on June 23, 2003 8:35:34 PM]
-----------------------Adam ParcherYay I have my own web page.

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