
Converting TTF to BMP?

Started by May 04, 2003 06:56 AM
0 comments, last by Toris 21 years, 8 months ago
Hi, I''ve been searching the net for a while, and have done a search of this forum, but I can''t seem to come across a utility that converts a true type font, into a bitmap image... does anyone know of one? Cheers, Toris
If you have photoshop, an action script could do the job.

Just create a new action, hit record, open a new file and image with your text, hit stop. Save your image. Select a new font... hit play... wham bam... Save your image. Select another font... wham bam...

Only trick is that different fonts have different kerning and spacing. So, if you want to get really technical, I''d set up a grid in photoshop to divide out all your characters... and instead of typing out the entire characters... put down each character seperately and centered in the grid block. This''ll be a pain... but if you record an action you''ll only have to do this once.
- T. Wade Murphy

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