I, personally, don''t think that the Japanese are living in a backwards society. BUT, through the lens of American society, most Americans think that the Japanese are "backwards" but I don''t.
You sound like you do.
If I asked you to list all of the original games made by Americans you would give me a short list. Short list.......compared to the Japanese list.
Let''s start, then. Pong. Pitfall. Adventure. Rogue/NetHack. Dune II (and its iterative sequels). Wasteland. Fallout. The Exile series (original premise, some gameplay tweaks, including Blades of Exile). The Elder Scrolls series. Betrayal at Krondor. M.U.L.E. Populous. Magic Carpet. Civilization. Pirates!. The Sims. Wing Commander. Theme Park. Black and White. Moraff''s World. Moraff''s Revenge. Moraff''s Stones. Planescape: Torment. System Shock. Deus Ex. Unreal. Halo. Doom. Quake. Akalabeth. Ultima. *whew* Okay, I''m tired of educating you on this foolish point. Most Japanese games are derivative. Got a list of original ones yourself?
I''ll stop referring to this business as the "video game industry" since 66% of you don''t know what I''m talking about. How does the "console market" sound to you?
Oh, of course, it''s our fault that you don''t speak correctly. Check.
Let me re-state my point. The console market is all about business now. Big companies(American; most) no longer care about the quality of their games, they just care about the quantity sales. The "suits" want to profit from the games, they honestly don''t care anymore. Activision and EA are perfect examples. Activision published like 4 Tony Hawk sequels and all of the games are generally the same. It''s like the designer didn''t took the time to try and change the game system around, its like they clone the game and added new characters/levels without any effort.
Incorrect. Quit pretending that you know what you''re talking about; you don''t. The Tony Hawk sequels are fairly different (better tricks, better levels, graphics, etcetera) from each other. And that''s normal. Sequels have ALWAYS done that. Hold up your no-doubt-precious Final Fantasy series and I''ll thoroughly slap you down on that point. Companies are the same no matter the flag they wave over their offices. Japanese companies have just as many buggy, half-assed releases as American or European ones. You seem like one of those deluded fools who simply think "the suits" are evil bastards whose only train of thought is "moneymoneymoneymoney". If that was what they cared about, why is Microsoft insisting on such high quality for XBox games? Why have all releases, as a rule, on the GameCube been pretty good? Or are you whining about how you have to download patches for games constantly? Have you ever even MADE a game? Do you know what most patches do? Most add new features, new gameplay modes, new everything.
Okay, I''m sick of this.