

Started by April 30, 2003 08:21 PM
12 comments, last by BradDaBug 21 years, 8 months ago
Actually, you point out one interesting thing between book speaking and real speaking. In Real life, people don''t speak in complete sentences all the time. Its weird, and uncalled for. The only humans that do are abused as children, either physically, or socially.

I said to my boss "I think VOXELS are the way to go."

He replied, "People have tried VOXELS for pocket machining before, but octrees made it difficult. They didn''t know where things were, because of recursion"

I stated, "I can use binning! It should work, and be more realistic than Z-maps"

If this was a book, I would have been rejected. Real life allows conversations that start and stop from a long series of talks. Book form, we have to give up that kind of flexibility.

In video games, however, we can simulate a real convesation, much better than a book. We have characters that can point at "whatcha-ma-call-its" and we can have a slow build up over 80 hours of game play. The only catch is, we''d have to get the player involved enough to allow him to remember past conversations. I cannot even remember who was the evil guy in Shining Force 2. . I try to use both. A little bit of real life, a little bit of "remembered Converations". I''m not sure it works at all, but I think its cool

sorry, I guess I just randomly ranted, I know I''m getting somewhere, I don''t know where.
~~~~~Screaming Statue Software. | OpenGL FontLibWhy does Data talk to the computer? Surely he's Wi-Fi enabled... - phaseburn
quote: Original post by adventuredesign

WOW! If that''s not a tutorial listed on GameDev, it oughta be! Thanks!

I appreciate all your (as in all of you who replied) advice! It seems like when a story idea is floating around in my head, it is MY story, but as soon as I start writing it down I start thinking "what would people like to read? What would people want to read? What would people blah blah blah" and I end up loosing the story, getting frustrated, etc. I always seem to have this really complicated plot that I decide is a little too obscure for most people without lots of explaining inside the story, so I always simplify it to a "standard" plot line.

Like this: I was once working on a story where this guy, in a battle of sorts, kills this guy that looks a lot like him. This guy he killed was a high up leader guy in this army that was oppressing the people way out on the frontier. When the guy that killed him started looking through his stuff he found all these letters to this chick he was courting back in some town away from the frontier. This chick happened to be the daughter of this powerful guy. So he decided to pretend he''s the guy he killed returning from battle, come back to the chick, kidnap her, take her back to the frontier, and show her the kind of stuff her boyfriend was doing so that her powerful daddy would maybe do something about it. BTW, I intended for this guy to be this mix between evil/good. he''s got mostly good intentions, but his methods aren''t too good. And of course the chick is upset she''s being kidnapped by this guy that killed her boyfriend but also reminds her of him.
But when I got to the part where I was planning the later stages of the plot (what exactly he was going to show her, what he expected her to do, etc) I couldn''t think of anything, so I just resorted to something stupid like it turns out that the guy was.....

hey, actually, I just looked back at my notes for this story (which I haven''t looked at in a month or two) and it seems I have a pretty cool story arc going! I like it! Maybe it isn''t so bad. It seems to be fairly complex with a plot twist or two. I''ll have to work on this some more!

Anyways, thanks again!
I like the DARK layout!
I managed to evolve on my writing by simply writing A LOT. Several thousand words later I''m a good writer. Persistance, planning and skill are what I think is what it takes. Unfortunatly I need to plan my stories more, though I have a narrative in mind which should fix that...
might make a post of it later
keep an eye out for it: The Shrink
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact:
I managed to evolve on my writing by simply writing A LOT. Several thousand words later I''m a good writer. Persistance, planning and skill are what I think is what it takes. Unfortunatly I need to plan my stories more, though I have a narrative in mind which should fix that...
might make a post of it later
keep an eye out for it: The Shrink
Cheers, comrade Kyle Evans,Artificial entertainment [Movie/Game Reviews]Contact:

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