
Runing a comiled VC++ file...

Started by April 23, 2003 05:31 AM
6 comments, last by _Ace_ 21 years, 10 months ago
Hey, Ok, Im almost sure this is a YES, but I ask anyway Now, after going trough some of the damn neat tutorials on the nehe site, I wanted to test something. I comiled it as "Release" and copied the produced .exe to another pc of mine. Now, I thought it would work runing this there, but it didnt! I got this: "The application failed to initilize properly 0xc0000142=. Klick OK to continue..." which is wierd. It works fine on this pc. But shouldnt this work? (yes, its one of those basic openGL tutorials!, and I got a GF2 in that, so I dont think its something about that.. or?) Ace
With debug mode you get some nice padding around arrays and so on, once you compile as release mode you loose this and new errors can pop up all over the place.

Have you tried running release mode on your development pc? If you get the same error on that oc too with release mode then check your arrays!!!!
Also check for garbage pointers and the like...
Ok, now what does these arrays have to do with the openGL application works fine on the pc I compile at but not on the other?

Does your other PC have Matlab installed on it by any chance?
I like pie! - weebl.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.
Nope, no matlab.
The thing is that with .net I need to download that extra 20+ mb package. But this is VC++... and I dont have to as I recall...
The reason I asked about Matlab was that there's a stack of occurences of the error you specified on usenet.
Google groups:"opengl 0xc0000142" gave me plenty to look at.

The most common problem seemed to be with a Matlab service.
The error basically amounts to openGL not being able to initialise because of another process using it. Maybe that'll help you...

Or look here

[edited by - Juicy on April 23, 2003 11:30:09 AM]
I like pie! - weebl.
Oneiric - Another graphics engine in the works.

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