
Linux Soapbox

Started by May 29, 2000 11:59 PM
0 comments, last by WhiteWolf 24 years, 4 months ago
Hi Guys. As a linux lamer (meaning that I have installed it once or twice and never really got into it) I have a question for the Linux gurus. What is Linux good for? Note that this is not meant to be a dig at linux - it is a question asked so that the gurus can get on a soapbox and explain to us what we''re missing out on. I really want to get into Linux, just need a reason other than it''s free, open source etc. If I want it, I''ll buy it, and let''s face it - open source archives usually contain 95% rubbish that needs to be sifted through to find the good stuff, anyway. Please - enlighten a linux lamer. Regards, WhiteWolf
Well, it''s more stable, has better memory management, a plethora of APIs to use (though some may argue that isn''t a good thing) and a growing commercial support range.

ON the game development side, I have managed to get Quake II running fullscreen on a DX4100 with 12MB ram runing at a good framerate under Linux, while a Windows box doesn''t even try...

(p.s. Don''t let this turn into a Windoze sucks thread)

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

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