==========MATRIX STRUCT============================
struct _MATRIX
//constructors for identity matrix and
//operators for +, +=, -, -=, *, *= are in here
//and conversion to float* for glLoadMatrix
float x1, x2, x3, x4
float y1, y2, y3, y4;
float z1, z2, z3, z4;
float tx, ty, tz, t0;
} typedef MATRIX, *LPMATRIX;
==============The camera''s rotation function==============
MATRIX rot_matx, rot_maty, rot_matz;
//the trig tables are based on tenths so adjust for that
x *= trig_percision;
y *= trig_percision;
z *= trig_percision;
//set it for and x rot
rot_matx.y2 = cos_t[ x ];
rot_matx.z2 = -sin_t[ x ];
rot_matx.y3 = sin_t[ x ];
rot_matx.z3 = cos_t[ x ];
//set it for and y rot
rot_maty.x1 = cos_t[ y ];
rot_maty.z1 = sin_t[ y ];
rot_maty.x3 = -sin_t[ y ];
rot_maty.z3 = cos_t[ y ];
//set it for a z rotate
rot_matz.x1 = cos_t[ z ];
rot_matz.y1 = -sin_t[ z ];
rot_matz.x2 = sin_t[ z ];
rot_matz.y2 = cos_t[ z ];
rot_matx *= rot_maty;
rot_matx *= rot_matz;
matrix *= rot_matx;
//by the way, the sin_t and cos_t are lut''s, x, y, and z are in degrees as are the lut''s.
==================The translate function==================
mat.tx = x;
mat.ty = y;
mat.tz = z;
matrix *= mat;
=================Caluculating the view matrix===============
//create the perspective matrix
float fovw = fov/2;
fovw *= trig_percision;
perspective.x1 = cot_t[ fovw ];
float fovh = fov/ratio/2;
fovh *= trig_percision;
perspective.y2 = cot_t[ fovh ];
float Q;
Q = Far/ ( Far-Near );
perspective.z3 = Q;
perspective.z4 = 1;
perspective.tz = -Q*Near;
//taken from the D3D docs, the perspective matrix for the
//camera is caculated when the camera is made
==================The Render prep call======================
c_view *= Cameras[c_camera]->GetPerspective();
Renderer->LoadMatrix( c_view );
//This multiplies the camera''s current matrix (c_view) by
//the perspective matrix, then that matrix is shuffled of
//to the renderer where it is glLoadMatrix()''ed. Am I doing anything wronmg, why is my world flat? Thank you to anyone who can help.
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Rotations and translations and all that good stuff
Hey all, I think I''m having a math issue here, Whenever I trnslate or rotate anything with my code, the world moves flat. I''m posting my matrix code and all that good stuff, maybe someone can help me with this. Thanx in advance
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Does your MATRIX struct initialize the values to an identity matrix? Otherwise you may be corrupting the data when you multiply matrix by mat in your translation function.
Yup, that''s what the constructor of the matrix does. Even if it''s not a math problem, are there any other things that it might be? here, I''ll put up the exe so people can see what''s happening.
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Dare To Think Outside The Box
Write more poetry.http://www.Me-Zine.org
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