quote: Original post by Tron3k
Perhaps a form of "death" in this game is if you mess up something, making it impossible for you to have ended up where you were at the "beginning" of the game! Wouldn''t that be awesome? So the goal of the game will be to preserve the space-time continuum by not doing anything that would mess up the future you already experienced!
actually it wouldnt be a time-travelling game, its just a story told backwards, and as the player isnt meant to know this then it wouldnt make sense to make it that way
that thing of not being able to die would be kinda weird though
I like the idea alot, sounds like a curious-driven game
would be good if it could be non-linear, and depending on your actions in the future, your past will change (irbrian, not sure if this is what you meant with having different options to perform while playing)
for example, if you escape from the jail that may lead you to having killed someone; but if instead you manage to get some friend''s help that may have lead you to having been mis-put in jail and then (before) being blamed for a crime you didnt do