
Looking Glass

Started by May 25, 2000 02:58 PM
14 comments, last by David Herod 24 years, 9 months ago
I can''t believe Looking Glass is finished. That is such bad news. I was looking forward to a Thief 3 as well. Not to mention a System Shock 3. SS2 was one of the best games i''ve ever played. "Wash away us all....Take us with the Floods..."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
Well how did it lose out. i thought that they were doing very well with the Thief & SystemShock series

Will all game developers face this problem in the future??

what is the average bucks$$ they make in a single good quality game??
I to was surprise of this new, But about SS2, im not sure of this but. I belive LGS develop the thief engine use for SS2 and irational game is not part of LGS. but i may be wrong.

I must admit the new really surprised me!

But, the gaming industrie is one with big competition!!!

Um, can you back that statement up? I haven''t seen a single press release on that.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
LGS did not develop SS2, it was done by Irrational Games (who were formed by ex-LGS employees). There''s a post-mortem on SS2 on if you want confimation of this.

Nevertheless, it''s a sad day when such a high-quality studio as LGS is shut down.
m1dn1ght: It was posted yesterday at the gamedev "in the news" section on the main page.

I must say I was shocked when I read the news.

-- Kazan - Fire Mountain Games --

Edited by - Kazan on May 25, 2000 6:16:53 PM
Oh my GOD! This is really sad news
Looking Glass was one of the only 2 PC game comapnies I greatly admired (the other being Raven-Software). I can possibly only think, that it may have been due to the underratedness of SS2. I followed suit with its predecessor in being a damn good game, but not marketed enough.

If you are a big fan of them, please post a reply. When the 2d platformer-tutorial project is done, I would like to perhaps involve the community in creating an hommage to this great company, by getting in touch with them and helping to realize their dream of creating the game that was meant to be: Thief 3. I think if we as a community reacted, and packed out the proverbial welcome home sign, it would not only boost the entire community, but also make an important link. Just a thought.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
Please check my post in the help wanted section and see if it interests you guys. There may still be hope.

"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." - The Shining
The industry''s just lost a great development company. The world is so cruel.
Well I didn''t know that it wasn''t really LG who made SS2, but still, Thief 2 is a fantastic game.. I was playing it earlier... I thought SS2 had been a joint effort sort of thing.

"Wash away us all....Take us with the Floods..."

------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."

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