
Diablo 2 Beta Stress-Test

Started by May 24, 2000 05:28 PM
7 comments, last by firahs 24 years, 9 months ago
Who else here got accepted for the stress test, we can form a clan or something
Didn''t even hear about it...

Now you''ve arroused my curiosity... what is it???

J2xC (J. Connolly)

You were expecting something funny, weren't you!

J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
its a sequel to diablo, blizards game. I wanted to be on the last beta, but wasnt now im excited about this one.

Blizzard''s site for your mouse-clicking enjoyment.

I wish I had gotten selected

I got selected! And was I ever so happy.

I''m downloading it right now but it''s very slow. I wish I had Cable.
My roommate was accepted, and on his T1 it took all night to download, and after the long wait was it worth it? Heck no. You cant do anything in the beta at all. You can only play the barbarian and you get 3 small dungeons to explore. I finished it up in 2 hours and now I am done with the game.

Plus, the graphics just suck ass. 640x480 on a 17" monitor just blow. I was very dissapointed in the graphics so far.

Well, I was accepted, it took 47 minutes and 52 seconds, exactly, to download on my cable modem (it was going pretty slow).

Uh, I love playing it, and i think the graphics are fine. One problem i found, tho, is that the hard drive goes thru a thrashing session every once and a while.

Possibility, were you expecting the whole f-ing game, its just to test out the servers, you ninny.

Firahs said:
>> its a sequel to diablo, blizards game.

Yes, even I''m not ignorant enough to know diablo, and that diablo 2 was coming out... I was wondering about the "Stress" bit...

J2xC (J. Connolly)

You were expecting something funny, weren't you!

J2xC (J. Connolly) Ah! By popular demand, I shall no longer resist...
Well, even tho what you said made no sense...

The stress test is testing blizzards Diablo2 servers

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