
Comments on my game?

Started by March 15, 2003 10:09 PM
1 comment, last by MrNarz 21 years, 9 months ago Not playable yet (in the process of adding the human player) but can be viewed in demo mode (the computer opponents will fight amognst themselves until someone wins). Any comments, ideas, questions, suggestions? Thanks!
well, I use Opera and have 1024*756 screen setting, but all the sameit seemed very good. it''s a shame you had to use a gif...
Well from what I saw it may be fun to play online with many friends... and some suggestions...

You may add a little more strategy... but really I''m just speaking from playing experience similar games I haven''t any real experience when it comes to desig, and when I mean more strategy I mean things like:

-Allowing the player to make 3 different types of units like one strong and expensive, one cheap and weak, intermediate units, units that can attack countries not right at the border of your territory(like planes or bombers), and so on...

-Depending on the size of your territory you may be able to do somethings better but somethings worst....

-Being able to have security to detect spies... but the other player might be able to pay any amount of money he wants to the spy so he can get a better spy... and if the spy is really good he can beat the security...

...hope you could catch the idea :D

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