How do .ini files work
how do programs read they .ini files. do they already have all the vars specified in it or do they create it at runtime
simple bugging question!
I think it''s up to you, how you are going to handle the information you get from an INI file. In my programs I store the information in "normal variables", because all information i take from INI files I use throughout the whole program, so there is no use to generate it on run-time.
I hope i could help you a little bit.
Everything is possible ...
... at least I think so.
I hope i could help you a little bit.
Everything is possible ...
... at least I think so.
There are Windows API functions to read ini files easily. GetPrivateProfileString is one of them I think.
/. Muzzafarath
/. Muzzafarath
I'm reminded of the day my daughter came in, looked over my shoulder at some Perl 4 code, and said, "What is that, swearing?" - Larry Wall
I wish I had known that... I wrote my own ini file class. It does just about everything an ini file needs. Email me if you don''t want to go the way of windows...
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