

Started by May 15, 2000 05:59 PM
1 comment, last by nes8bit 24 years, 4 months ago
Well, does anyone know where I can find a doc on how to do the network part of a network game. I just need some type of pseudo style doc or something. Basically, I need a doc that has data management. Kinda like when you need to send player messages, movement messages, system messages, etc. What does the server control? What does the client control? I have a general idea of how to do it, but when I put on paper (during math class ) it looks cluttered. That''s not just the way I write either.
try either the GDNet tutorials or the samples they have in the DX SDK for DirectPlay

- pouya
Read carefully, I was asking about multiplayer message management. (Don''t take it offensively )

Also, I''ve heard that DPlay sucks. I already know how it works and I was about to use it but, I think it would better to use windows sockets.

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