
Already got the IntelliMouse Explorer..?

Started by May 14, 2000 05:49 AM
18 comments, last by Melo 24 years, 4 months ago
If not - GET IT TODAY!! I played UT with it. HEADSHOT HEADSHOT HEADSHOT. Try it! _MELO
Err... I'm not so inclined. A friend [of the real, live, fleshy type] said of a intricate print mouse pad, a standard mouse pad, and his jeans, only on his jeans did it not cause the cursor to skip. Then again, he mumbled something about not being able to lift it. Don't know why he can't keep it on a flat surface. I always do.
Anywho, I'm still going to try it before I buy it.

Edited by - SonicSilcion on May 14, 2000 9:49:23 AM
Had one myself for about six months now, and I like it quite a lot. It doesn''t work too well with most mouse pads. Pads aren''t really necessary with it, as they were designed more to help the ball "stick" than anything else, and this thing doesn''t have a ball. I dumped the pad, as it works very nicely right on the surface of my desk. If you''ve got a glass-top desk, though, it might not work too well.

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

The Intelli Eye Mouse is awesome! I use it all the time, and like the original poster, being a sniper in UT, this mouse is a godsend for pulling off headshots ever other millisecond!
I heard someone (not in this thread...) say that their mouse broke. You can take it back- you have a life-time warranty on the thing.

'I'm sorry Dave. I'm Afraid I can't let you do that...'
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
I have one too! But I have a glass top surface so I just found the smoothest damn mouse pad and use it. Damn sweet! As for multiple head shots.... well... having 200+ ping.... It''s best to use surfaces with non repetitive patterns to guide your mouse with, usually and natural wood or jeans would do nicely.

-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
-Now Working on Pokemon like Engine!
Yep - it works just fine on natural wood. If the mouse was wireless, it would be *perfect*! But that''s not possible, because of the large amount of power, required by the IntelliEye I''ve never had such a good mouse before.
I was debating between it and the Razer Boomslang for the PC I just built. After playing with both, I went with the Boomslang, and I''ve been quite happy with it.
Hmm, i''m afraid i''m going to have to disagree with most of you... i''ve tried the IntelliEye Explorer many times at a freinds house... and to be frank, it''s terrible... it''s ugly, jittery (no way is it smooth), cumbersome, and a waste of money... Whats the point in paying so much for something that does nothing better than a standard mouse? (MS Intellimouse is i think what i have - it rocks). Another thing I noticed is that in fps''s if you lift the mouse it can often go haywire and ''spiral'' the view upwards... it''s a crazy old thing . Oh, and if you''re going to tell me it''s great because it scans like 1,500 times per second, think again... get ''mouse rate'' for your standard mouse, up the refresh to 200Hz, and you''ve got exactly the same, not that it makes any difference once you go above your monitors refresh rate anyway
my $0.02 (although i''m worth alot more)

Nick - Head Designer,

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It may be, that your friend does not use the rigt surface with the mouse. As i mentioned before, a desktop (the real one) of natural wood is fine
This has been the least "jittery" mouse I''ve ever owned. There''s no ball to stick, and there''s nowhere for dust to collect.

Tried that Razer mouse at the GDC, and it''s also quite nice. You can crank the resolution up to truly ridiculous levels, which is kinda fun.

(my byline from the Gamedev Collection series, which I co-edited) John Hattan has been working steadily in the casual game-space since the TRS-80 days and professionally since 1990. After seeing his small-format games turned down for what turned out to be Tandy's last PC release, he took them independent, eventually releasing them as several discount game-packs through a couple of publishers. The packs are actually still available on store-shelves, although you'll need a keen eye to find them nowadays. He continues to work in the casual game-space as an independent developer, largely working on games in Flash for his website, The Code Zone ( His current scheme is to distribute his games virally on various web-portals and widget platforms. In addition, John writes weekly product reviews and blogs (over ten years old) for from his home office where he lives with his wife and daughter in their home in the woods near Lake Grapevine in Texas.

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