
Design of Messiah

Started by January 29, 2003 03:26 PM
2 comments, last by Taco 22 years ago
I picked up a copy of messiah at a local discount story and was surprised at its design. I was wondering if other people here would agree or not and thought I''d bring the matter up. Good parts of the Messiah design: 1. There were very VERY few places where you could get truly stuck if you saved it there (at least in easy mode). Also once you knew how to get past something it ussually didn''t take very long. 2. You are given a couple of tools at the start and use them to solve puzzle''s all throughout the game. 3. Most equipment lies at logical spots (only very occasional weapon at the top of the shelf where you can only get by making 5/6 good jumps). There were weapon dispensors where you could request a weapon from if you were in a humanoid form. 4. It was very linear. Although this could be both an advantage as a disadvantage, I liked that I nearly never was in a large place, not sure whether I had missed that special character, the hidden key or switch or maybe a door. *****POTENTIAL SPOILER***** 5. The ending for most people would be very unsatisfying, but to me it was great... I really like bad endings. However it could have been made a little longer, because at the end you just want to relax and think of your achievement. You should expect a bad ending either way for defying god 6. There was an interesting plot twist. You might have missed it somewhat if you didn''t explore your surroundings/ read the manual intro. 7. The setting, apart from disadvantage #3, was quite good. I really liked the way all surroundings contributed to this: there were screens that actually portayed news (including sound), there were screens portraying things that were being studied (satan, you, behemoths) and most of all I liked the lottery screen with texts of all the things you could win "Win, the will to live" "Win, ideals" "Win, motivation". It was a plain tool of saying what the world lacked. Bad parts of the Messiah design: 1. I wasn''t too fond of the whole red light district. Yes, I live in Holland (where it is legal). No, I wasn''t offended by the sprites/sound. Yes, I was offended of being treated like an adolescent. 2. Sometimes you just had to change stuff to get something to happen. You weren''t sure of what you are doing pressing all the different controls, but apparantly your character did. You''d think he would share his info. This hurt the getting immersed part. 3. God and Satan are both subjected to the strength of humanity it seems. I rather disliked their weakness though. Satan dies if he doesn''t keep drinking blood all the time? God doesn''t care about his subjects? 4. The controls were a bit awkward to start with... an optional tutorial might have been nice (at the beginning of the game you do get introductory texts that help out, but a little more help on combat & holstering weapons would have been appreciated) Well to those that played it... how did you like it?
I didn''t play it for long, as I had an undiagnosed (at the time) hardware problem that caused it to crash very often.
But while I was playing it, I found the AI more frustrating than the crashes. It was awful! The cops'' rule about treating anyone with a drawn weapon as hostile was followed way too closely. I once (as a cop) got into a firefight with some bad guys, in which I was outnumbered and about to be killed. So I ran through a door into an area where I knew there were some fellow cops, thinking that they would help me out. Bad idea! The cops saw that I had a drawn weapon and started shooting at me, ignoring the bad guys that were right behind me and hence getting themselves and me killed. This sort of shit happened to me all the time, and really ruined the game for me.
Needless to say, I never found myself in the mood to admire the level design.
You are not the one beautiful and unique snowflake who, unlike the rest of us, doesn't have to go through the tedious and difficult process of science in order to establish the truth. You're as foolable as anyone else. And since you have taken no precautions to avoid fooling yourself, the self-evident fact that countless millions of humans before you have also fooled themselves leads me to the parsimonious belief that you have too.--Daniel Rutter
quote: Original post by Plasmadog
I didn''t play it for long, as I had an undiagnosed (at the time) hardware problem that caused it to crash very often.

So did 50% of the people who bought it

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Minister of Propaganda : : Nobody likes the man who brings bad news - Sophocles (496 BC - 406 BC), Antigone
plasmadog, definitaly a serious disadvantage I forgot!
That was a real problem.

I too had some hardware problems but that''s not part of the design I suppose.

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