
Transormation Matrix inverse

Started by January 24, 2003 08:08 PM
0 comments, last by evil_ash 22 years ago
I have Rotation Matrix(R) and Tranlsation Matrix(T) they are multiplied together to obtain the Transformation matrix(A). Now when i muliply A by its inverse i recieve an identity i should. The same for T,(T*T-1=Identity matrix). Yet when i create the Transformation Matrix(A=R*T) then create the tranformations inverse(A-1=R-1*T-1) this happens: (A*A-1=some crazy ass matrix which is def not an identity matrix) wtf?!
(A * B) * (A-1 * B-1) != I
(A * B) * (B-1 * A-1) == I

In other words,
(A*B)-1 = B-1 * A-1

Don't listen to me. I've had too much coffee.

[edited by - sneftel on January 24, 2003 9:27:42 PM]

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