quote: Original post by Dauntless
...Many times I''ve seen gamers abandon their target to chase after and kill as many attackers as possible, while forgetting that the ultimate goal is to keep alive your target. I see it very often in new chess players who feel that the easiest solution to winning is to kill the opponents pieces, and then leisurely set up the king for a checkmate when the opponents defensive and offensive capabilities have been whittled away...
I would like to remind of the situation in the European Theater in WWII. For the escorts, it was harder for them to protect the B-24s and B-17s when they were told to not go far away from the bombers. When they finally got permission to go away from the bombers and pursue enemy fighters, the bombings in Europe were much more effective. The best defence is a good offence.
I am an avid chess player, and I barely ever see someone try to get all of the pieces off of the board before checkmating the king. Sure, it has happened for reasons, but that has really never been anyone''s strategy to get all of the pawns and pieces before they go for the king. I know of a strategy that my father taught me (he learned it from an Indian person in the army who had been a POW in WWII with three other European chess masters; he played my father every day and beat him every time; he was notorious for walking his pawns) where you try and get the slightest advantage, like one more ''point'' or piece than your opponent has. Once you have the slightest advantage, you trade every piece you have got (especially queens). This narrows the board down to a king and a pawn versus a king or a king and a rook versus a king. Sometimes you can just get out of the strategy if you are in a good position and just checkmate your opponent.
I can see what you are saying though when you talk about using strategy rather than brute force (like the strategy I mentioned above). It sounds like a good idea. Good luck with your RTS, although if I were making it I would make you have awesome control over your empire, yet pretty good minimanagement .