
TGA loading, whats wrong with my code?

Started by January 23, 2003 02:34 PM
4 comments, last by tech_cf 22 years, 1 month ago
I try to code a demo. Already coded a simple one (called Simple) in wich I used NeHe code for loading bmp's. Now I want to load TGA's. But I do not feel comfortable with just copy-pasting the code on Nehe. So I tried writing my own. I want to load everything into a three dimensional array. My texture generator functions work with three dimensional array's so I want the TGA loading to do work the same way. Whats wrong? It only generates a black texture :/ :
void Texture::LoadTGA(char * filename)

    GLubyte tgaHeader[12];
    GLubyte compressedTgaHeader[12] = {0,0,10,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    FILE * tgaFile;                    // Deklarer filpeker

    tgaFile = fopen(filename, "rb");   // Åpner filen for binær lesing (readonly binary)

    fread(&tgaHeader, sizeof(tgaHeader), 1, tgaFile);
    if (memcmp(compressedTgaHeader, &tgaHeader, sizeof(tgaHeader)) == 0) // Sjekk etter RLE

        fread(tgaHeader, sizeof(tgaHeader), 1, tgaFile);
        GLuint bytesPerPixel = (tgaHeader[4] / 8); // Hvor mange bytes består en pixel av?

        GLuint pixelCount = 256*256;
        GLuint currentHeight = 0;
        GLuint currentWidth = 0;
        GLubyte * colorBuffer = (GLubyte *)malloc(bytesPerPixel); // Tmp. lagring for en pixel

            GLubyte chunkHeader = 0;
            fread(&chunkHeader, sizeof(GLubyte), 1, tgaFile);
            if (chunkHeader < 128) // Hvis RAW

                for (short counter = 0; counter < chunkHeader; counter++)
                    fread(colorBuffer, 1, bytesPerPixel, tgaFile); // Les og snu BGRA til RGBA

                    data[currentHeight][currentWidth][0] = colorBuffer[2];
                    data[currentHeight][currentWidth][1] = colorBuffer[1];
                    data[currentHeight][currentWidth][2] = colorBuffer[0];
                    if (bytesPerPixel == 4) // Hvis 32 bit (med alpha kanal altså)

                        data[currentHeight][currentWidth][3] = colorBuffer[3];
                        data[currentHeight][currentWidth][3] = 150;
                if (currentWidth >= 256)
                    currentWidth = 0;
            else // Hvis RLE

                chunkHeader -= 127; // Trekk fra 127 for å bli kvitt ID bitten

                fread(colorBuffer, 1, bytesPerPixel, tgaFile);
                for (short counter = 0; counter < chunkHeader; counter++)
                    fread(colorBuffer, 1, bytesPerPixel, tgaFile); // Les og snu BGRA til RGBA

                    data[currentHeight][currentWidth][0] = colorBuffer[2];
                    data[currentHeight][currentWidth][1] = colorBuffer[1];
                    data[currentHeight][currentWidth][2] = colorBuffer[0];
                    if (bytesPerPixel == 4) // Hvis 32 bit (med alpha kanal altså)

                        data[currentHeight][currentWidth][3] = colorBuffer[3];
                        data[currentHeight][currentWidth][3] = 150;
                if (currentWidth == 256)
                    currentWidth = 0;
        while (currentHeight < 256 && currentWidth < 256);
		MessageBox(NULL,"Need 256x256x24 or 32 RLE Compressed TGA file","ERROR",MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP);
Sorry for the Norwegian comments... [edited by - tech_cf on January 23, 2003 3:36:35 PM] [edited by - tech_cf on January 24, 2003 1:23:28 PM]
Well, open gl requiers a one-dimentional array not a tree dimentional array
No it don''t. As I said, I have a texture generator that uses a three dimensional array. And it works.

I have:
GLubyte data[256][256][4]; // height,width,color (rgba)
and uploads it with:
do you read the texture data correctly?
To determine if a tga is stored as compressed image you have to test only the significant field of tga header not compare the whole header using memcmp with initialized array. I think this way you always get the error message box saying "Need 256x256x24 or 32 RLE Compressed TGA file" as you written in your code. I suggest you to look here for more details about tga format.

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