
What do I need to write C code?

Started by May 08, 2000 03:11 PM
27 comments, last by /\/\AKKO 24 years, 4 months ago
Do I need Visual Basic or Visual C++ ?
You need a keyboard or a pencil and a pair of hands to write C code . To actually compile it you would need a compiler. Such as Visual C++ or egcs. Visual Basic however, would not do the job since it''s a basic compiler.

"Paranoia is the belief in a hidden order behind the visible." - Anonymous
I''ve got all but VC++ will buy a copy soon!
Hmm... just my personal advice:

Before getting VC++ (depending which price you can get it), you might want to try some freeware-C++ compilers. Those aren''t actually that bad at all, and for an example, Quake was compiled with DJGPP (allthought it''s the only commercial game that was compiled with DJGPP, as far as I know

If you wanna know more, just leave a message...But if you already went to buy really good compiler (VC++), then don''t even ask what is DJGPP ;D

Basically in my opinion the only problem with non-commercial compilers seems to be that Windows programs aren''t supported widely... Mingw seems to have somekind of support, but I don''t know if there is way to manage big projects/libraries... it''s confusing!

In otherhand, DOS-programs are easy to create with freeware-compilers.

If you need to ask, then you should probably get Metrowerk''s "Discover Programming" CodeWarrior.

It includes :
- a pretty good C/C++ compiler
- books

And it is pretty cheap.

If you do not need to ask, then gcc

Be reading you,
Altmann, its pretty cool how you are reccomending CW, most people are stuck in the VC++ loop.

Anyways, CW: Discover Programming is the best package any beginner can buy. It comes with a full-scale IDE/compiler and tools, and tons and tons of docs. Its a real winner (just like me)

I''ve bought some books on OPENGL graphics programming and for the tutorials, sample code and my own works I need a good C compiler! I did not yet bought the compiler because id like to know the one that is the best for me.

I''m not in programming desktop applications, but like to learn how I can program graphics and 3d games that use OpenGL.

Any advise would be greatly appreciated!
(not interested in FOR ... DUMMIES books)

Unfortunately CW has a very limited license. You can''t distribute what you make without vilating the license agreement. They don''t mention it on the box. Very misleading. I guess it is part of the learning process so that when you get messed over for the first time by the buisness, CW will be there to do it for you, first. Name another learning edittion of a software development tool that has that neat little feature.

I''d rather buy a Mac than buy another piece of CodeWerks software after being burned with that purchase.
Actually, if you buy CodeWarrior Professional for $350, you can do whatever you want with what you make. If you buy the Discover Programming edition for $50, you shouldnt. The DP package was made for people who are learning and priced to fit the purpose.

And its CodeWarrior from metrowerks, not CodeWerks.

It would have been nice if they put that on the box. I was expecting a no-nonsense, stripped down compiler, with a decent license agreement. I could have gotten VC++ 6.0 for a few bucks more, but decided to give CW a try. What a bad decision that was. It is also $300 to upgrade. Whoo whee! Still a load of crock no matter how you slice it. The limitations are shamefully not even mentioned on (you''re right) metrowerk''s site, unless you really, really did.

I don''t care what limitations you put on a product, just put them on the outside of the box. I wouldn''t line the cat litter box with this stinker of a product.

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