quote: Original post by Edison Bright
Wow, seems I got a lot of people upset there. Sorry.
"So if you choose a game such as Sonic 3 (TM SEGA), and replace the zones by high-detail polygonal worlds and the sprites by models, will it be less fun to play?"
That depends on if you keep the 2D gameplay intact. 3D platform games are generally miserable in my opinion because the control gets fucked up, and the fact that you have to take care of the camera makes everything less fun. But if you still kept the "2d gameplay" the same it would certainly be as fun, just look better. Donkey Kong was a great game with 2d gameplay and 3dish graphics.
I am not saying we should go back to 320x240 16 color 2d games, but that we should go back to the gameplay of older games. There i sno reasonm why you cannot make a game with the ameplay of a platform side-scroller that uses modern graphics (just lock the camera, and limit the directions of movement). The question you should ask when you are designing a game is, "does this NEED to be 3d?"
"And if you choose a game such as the Sims, and replace all models by beautiful hand-drawn sprites, will it become better and more addictive?"
Absolutely not. But I dont consider The Sims a game in the first place. The only thing you do really is buy a house and decorate it. The rest of the time you just need to sit back and relax. Thats a total lack of actuall gameplay.
I'm a fan of a select few Platformers, but there's always a few good ones on consoles. Mario Sunshine not only manages to be one of the most attractive games of the years, it's also equally addictive. And bringing back some feel from the old NES/SNES ones was brilliant (I would have settled for the tunes though hehe). All the PS2 platformers for the holidays were pretty disappointing, so Mario stands alone unless someone can think of something to match.
Metroid Prime was nothing short of brilliant itself. Probably the finest 2D->3D of all time. Like Mario Sunshine, the environments and effects were all on and the GameCube never suffers a hit. It follows the same typical Metroid setup. You run around hunting and obtaining powerups. The story appears to be quite optional. You can read about Chozo and gather facts about the Pirates to help you in your hunt.
SOCOM is currently the hottest PS2 game. While I'm sure someone debating this topic would shoot down the gameplay, each person will get a different feel out of it. Personally, I loved how much detail and time went into the environments. It really improves the quality of playing, which is immediately apparant when you try to play in a harder setting. Online gaming is where SOCOM gets its purchases at though. Not a single SNES can compete with the addictiveness of online gaming. Each round will be unique and unpredictable. While the base of online play is nothing short of a CS rip-off, the levels are packed with hiding spots and difficulties. Some maps placed out in the jungles, where you can use the help of streams and shrub to get around. Maps like Blizzard will force you to slow down and carefully watch yourself. And of course, there's maps like Frostfire that are small and meant to be quick.
XBox only appears to have one title worth mentioning right now: Splinter Cell. It probably won't win any respect gameplay wise from anyone, but the style of gameplay was still enjoyable. And thanks to the UW engine, really worked well. Definately another must play game, but you won't really miss out much if you shrug it off.
2D games aren't dead, of course. And the Gameboy Advance continues to prove that as developers push the tiny, yet powerful, system. While it's definately an easy way for people to cash in again on franchises, new and exciting games have come. I sorta wish the 3D Metroid would have been Metroid Fusion with all the story and unique twist to the game, but it does well on GBA nonetheless. Still a little disappointing after several years of anticipation. Among this one, there have been several good RPGs and the rebirth of some famous platformers in 2D. Pretty good year for GBA, and I still liked playing the old games once again.
For 3D gaming, 2002 was pretty bland comparing to 2001. But late this year GameCube finally got into the groove. 2003 will certainly be an impressive year for the GCN. Nothing on the XBox really excites me. Maybe Phantasy Star Online if you don't own a GCN. Can't think of anything else, but it may sneak up on me. PC games weren't all that exciting this year, but if you like FPS it was a decent year.
So can 3D games match 2D in game quality? Yes. It's just taken a hell of a lot longer to reach a good peak in the technology to meet standards. Now, all the technology is all there. Hopefully, with luck, use of prerendered Cg will stop almost completely. While it can definately be nice at a few moments in the game, anyone pulling a Konami, Capcom, or Square-styled game in 2003 should be shot. Please, stop torturing us!
Just a subjective opinion for another. I love what 3D gaming has to offer, and it gets better and better each time the standards raise (and no, I don't speak of just graphics here).
[edited by - aggregate on January 6, 2003 11:53:18 AM]