
Getting TV-OUT to work.

Started by December 24, 2002 03:58 PM
2 comments, last by griffenjam 21 years, 10 months ago
I looked around, and asked around, and havn''t gotten much usefull info. I have a Voodoo 3 3500 and I want to get TV-Out working. I haven''t found any usefull how-to''s for this. The only thing I have found is that if you boot the system without a monitor connected it will automatically use the TV for output. That is fine in text mode. But when I go into X the image goes to hell. I figure that I need to change the settings for the monitor in my XF86Config file, but don''t know what to change the settings to. Can anyone help? Jason Mickela ICQ : 873518 Excuse my speling. Vallejo Punk The V-Town Have-Nots Eskapo
"I don''t have to take this, I''m going to where I''m appreciated, my mom''s house"
"The paths of glory lead but to the grave." - Thomas GrayMy Stupid BlogMy Online Photo Gallery
man XF86Config
At first I thought that that advice wouldn''t be helpfull at all.
But then I got home and looked through the XF86Config man page, and found out that my first thought was right, this is some of the worse Linux related advice I have ever gotten. Why would the man page give any info about TV out with an outdated video card. Or with ANY specific video card for that matter. It didn''t use the ter TV (or tv, or Tv) once. Nor did it use the term NTSC once.

This arrogance is one thing that I have always hated about the linux community. I can''t believe how much bad advice I''ve seen being givin to newbies because people with skillz always seem to be want to show off more than help. But they don''t even take the time to realize that they arn''t even answering the question that was asked, or they are flaming something that they missunderstood.

Jason Mickela
ICQ : 873518
Excuse my speling.

Vallejo Punk
The V-Town Have-Nots

"I don''t have to take this, I''m going to where I''m appreciated, my mom''s house"
"The paths of glory lead but to the grave." - Thomas GrayMy Stupid BlogMy Online Photo Gallery
Perhaps this advice will help more. What resolution is your card running at? And does it support that resolution in the TV out? A lot of older TV out cards didn''t support anything higher than 640x480. I know my laptop doesn''t. Check that out as well.

Always remember, you''''re unique. Just like everyone else.

Always remember, you''re unique. Just like everyone else.Greven

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