
What do I needeth?

Started by May 01, 2000 04:10 PM
3 comments, last by Tiso 24 years, 10 months ago
What do I need to program a multiplayer game? Are there different kinds of tools to use? What are the better or best ones to use? Is it complicated? Well, I hope you can answer at least a few of these questions for me. Thanks!
First off, you need to learn WinSock (or its equivelent (sp?)). I found a great tutorial on it here on gamedev. Go to the resource section (programming) and then type neural net in the search box. Due to some messup with the search engine, 4 entries from the bottom will be on called Roll your own intranet. It is a very good tutorial on winsock.


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You are not a real programmer until you end all your sentences with semicolons; (c) 2000 ROAD Programming
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What about directplay?
Okay, winsock and direct play? What would be a few of winsock''s equivalents? Do I have to know one of those 2 languages?
WinSock and DPlay are not languages. You''ll program them both in C or C++, depending on which way you swing.

WinSock is quick ''n'' easy, DPlay is hard but (generally) more fool-proof.

When your wrapper is done you should end up with funtions looking like:

if (p.Score > 1000) {
you win!

Good luck!

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