
Hmmmm, what about the big J?

Started by May 01, 2000 03:10 PM
5 comments, last by Thaynx 24 years, 10 months ago
I keep wanting to just run back to my beloved Java because I know it inside and out! With all the JINI functions it would be very easy to make a distributed system to have a fully scalable system. Also, you can use Name Spaces(?) to use a concurent processing model. My only problem is, I don''t want to put all the work into it and have the Java be way too slow. I have heard with the JIT compilers, the speed is not too far from C++. But I have also been told that the Sockets in Java are quite slow, but it seems that it shouldn''t be that bad because they will have to use whatever the platform provides (ie - in windows it would use winsock). I would really like to know what the gurus around here think about this. Thanks, Thaynx ps - for extremely time critical functions you could use a native library. What do you think? If you can''t win, make sure the one that beats you breaks the record!
If you can''t win, make sure the one that beats you breaks the record!
Java just doesn''t have the FrameRate (tm)

I need 30 fps (minimum) in fullscreen with 3D and up to 1000 objects on the screen.

It just doesn''t happen in Java
Why in the world do you need 30 fps? High quality video is only 32!

Anyway, I won''t be needing that kind of granularity. Just an interesting note, I was looking around for some comparison on the web and a site comparing math with matrices was showing that Visual C++ 6.0(unoptomised) and a few JIT compilers. The JIT compilers were actually a hair faster! I can''t remeber what the page was, I''ll go look and post again.

If you can''t win, make sure the one that beats you breaks the record!
If you can''t win, make sure the one that beats you breaks the record!
High quality video can get away with only 32 frames per second because of the nifty little thing called Motion Blur. Without it, you need a much higher framerate for it to look realistic, which is why so many people push for 60 fps in video games.


Makes sence to me, I just hadn''t thought about it that way. I guess that is why I''m around here. Thanks for the info.

ps - My grandmother always said (sounds like forest gump, except that this is true) the day you stop learning is the day you die! WOW deep philosophical stuff (or just another old wives tale 8^) )

If you can''t win, make sure the one that beats you breaks the record!
If you can''t win, make sure the one that beats you breaks the record!
You are not alone in your quest to build games in Java = )

Achieving decent graphics performance in Java is definitely possible. Just like with almost any game you would be using some graphics API (Open GL, DirectX, maybe even Java3D). Since most of the rendering work is taken care of by these libraries, Java becomes more of a highly productive ‘scripting’ language to implement your game logic in.

I don’t know enough to comment on the performance of Java networking as it applies to game development.

Check out the site below - there are some links listed on the first page where games in Java have been successfully developed (the FAQ still needs some work but I think you may find it useful).
Remember, a language may use the native socket calls, but that isn''t necessarily the ''slow'' part: the slow part could be in the code wrapper around the socket to provide you with the nice interface

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