
Artificial life?

Started by April 30, 2000 02:52 PM
159 comments, last by Electron 24 years, 2 months ago
Just for the record: trees(and plants for that matter) have DNA.

Jurij Dreo
Original post by Anonymous Poster

Just for the record: trees(and plants for that matter) have DNA.

Jurij Dreo

Just for the record ;0 ANY ORGANIC MATERIAL contains DNA.

And brother did this topic take a dive. The original idea was to make an emulated system of life, in which the "robots" mimicked life and learned new ways of doing things.

I do believe the emulation is possible, but then everyone started in saying how creation of new life forms is possible only with the modern desktop computer. I find that interesting in the way that you are comparing 5 billion years (just for this galaxy) and 15 billion years of universal evolution to a mere desktop computer (or any man made device at this and/or the present future of at least another millenia).

Read, Learn, Go outisde the box, and enjoy.

No, I swore I won''t say it again, and I won''t.

1C3-D3M0N Interactive
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The Minister: I completely understand what you meant by "computers can''t see", and I fully agree with you. Everyone who doesn''t is wrong, it''s not my opinion, it''s proven, just read some literature. However, I can''t agree with the fact that computers cannot become a life form. I don''t know about dogs and flies, but let''s talk of something that''s "aware". Dogs and flies are AWARE of the environment around them, but they are not SELF-AWARE. Humans are AWARE both of their perception of reality, and of themselves. Computers are not aware of anything. How do you simulate this awareness? I don''t know. May be there is a soul that''s not a material thing, and one of its properties, is awaraness. Once again, I don''t know, and neither do you. How can you state that computers will never become either AWARE or SELF-AWARE? You can''t make that statement.
kill, where is the prove that computers can't see? Maybe in the bible?
You said seeing is being aware of the pictures. And you said that computers could have awareness in the future. But it doesn't make sense if you say it's proven that they can't see.

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Edited by - ga on May 15, 2000 3:38:22 PM
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This conversation has again degenerated. And I won''t repeat this again: you cannot argue about stuff like life, being aware of one self etc. etc. Simply because these words don''t make sense in the REAL universe. You cannot prove someone is "aware" and neither dissprove that something is aware. How can you say that dogs and flies aren''t aware if you can''t even prove that I''m aware. All I could be is a very sophisticated program that is trying to "deceive you".
Read - Turning TEST. (I admit it''s old but it does the trick quite well). - READ MY POST ABOUT ILLOGICAL statements like that above (4th page at the end I think)

Oh yeah and JUST FOR THE RECORD: I don''t know what Joviex meant by ANY ORGANIC material contains DNA, but it sounds like someone is trying to convince me that polymers or a couple of peptide molecules have DNA. Please rephrase your statement Joviex.


CH4 is called organic but it doesn''t contain DNA.

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I have to agree that evolution cannot be simulated because it is not just a creature trying to fit certain parameters.creatures are responding to environmental stimulus.too many factors,like behavior are involved.creatures have too many variables,like internal organs that are also involved.but it is a cool idea.then if you could do this you could just have a program that writes programs
Anonymous Poster: With better computers you could make the simulation closer too reality. Certainly you can''t simulate a world perfectly with a computer which is inside the world.

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... or only in a fractal world.

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