
Using send and recv (winsock)

Started by April 28, 2000 11:52 PM
2 comments, last by Ratman 24 years, 10 months ago
could someone give me and example of using send and recv with winsock? Assume I have a socket connected and everything else set. I''d just like to see how to send a random number, and/or a string. Thanks for any help. Dave Ratti
in both borland c++ and visual c++, there are examples
of server/client apps that use winsock for sending and
receiving. They''re called chatsrvr and chatter, they
contain the basics.
You can also find these examples on the web at...

Concider using select() or ioctlsocket() to aid you in setting timeouts for send and recv.
Richard Rice
GameSpy Industries
I got my first taste of sockets by making a bot You can get the sample code (including working sockets) from Follow the download links, then look for greetbot.


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