
help with winsock....

Started by April 27, 2000 02:02 PM
1 comment, last by Ratman 24 years, 10 months ago
Does anyone have, or know of a place with some simple winsock programs? I have the book Windows Socket Network Programming, and have read the tutorial on flipcode (which..I found incomplete and confusing). I think Im understanding it pretty good, I''d just like to see some real simple programs to setup a connection, then maybe send some data, and then go from there. Any help would be greatly appreciated... ratman has the sample code to the book "Winsock 2" by Lewis Napper. The book is very good and worth getting, but the source code by itself should be pretty instructive.
If you look under programming resources here on gamedev and type neural net in the search box, then find the socket article (I know this sounds weird). It is about 4 from the bottom of the results page, and is called something like "roll your own intranet". It is a great tutorial (where I learned all of my current knowledge).


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