Interesting response so far. May I offer critique? Perhaps I can expand on these ideas, and formulate a list of possible approaches.
Naaga: It is an option to open the game to all forms of play and leave the game wild and free. However, this means the grief players will be the only ones having fun... so you''ll have a game of nothing but grief players. If you fancy the idea of a community of violent, foulmouthed brats, this solution works just fine. However, if you as a game designer would like to create anything other than that, this isn''t really a solution so much as an admission of defeat. Creating a game which accepts and encourages some level of grief play is like creating a web forum which accepts and encourages some level of trolling. Trolls will love it; there''s nothing they like so much as flinging vitriol back and forth. I doubt anyone else will want to stick around, though.
Taulin: Who runs the court? Remember, if there is a position which a player can attain from which punishment (grief) can be levied against others, a grief player will seek to attain that position. They''re not just mean, they''re crafty too. However, it would be more feasible to have the player judges regulate the public, and have the administrators oversee the judges. In that sense, it might work... but the judges must conform to a higher standard, and the administrators must make sure they do.
Khaile: Instead of having administrators "mute" a particular grief player, which requires administrators identifying the player, it may be more feasible to include, as you said, an "ignore" command, and let players take the initiative. It may be possible to build a ranking system, which ranks players by the number of other players who are ignoring them, and then give the players the option to automatically ignore anyone with more than a certain percentage of players manually ignoring him. Thus, players who cross a certain tolerability threshold will find themselves shunned by the entire community.
This works well for text-based games as you said, but not as well for games where there are other methods of interaction (and therefore other ways to be annoying). How would you deal with a player who stands in a narrow door, or blocks the path of other players, or attacks them or steals or breaks their possessions? You could extend this idea further: give players the option to "shun" other players, thus ignoring their speech, and when enough players "shun" a given player he becomes a "ghost": he cannot interact in any way with players, and cannot see or be seen by them. In effect he is in his own private limbo. It might be fitting to have all shunned players share the same "limbo space", effectively creating two worlds: one of polite players, and an otherworld of griefers. Of course, the limbo threshold must be adjusted very carefully. Too high, and it becomes hard to get griefers out of your face; too low, and griefers will band together and banish everybody into limbo, including each other, so there''s no refuge from their idiocy.
I can understand ideological opposition to banning; it''s sort of like ideological opposition to capital punishment, arguing from the idea that irreversible punishment is too harsh and too risky. Harsh, because it prevents those who repent from returning to society; risky, because it may punish the wrong person in such a way as to make it impossible to correct the mistake. I don''t like capital punishment myself, and oppose it in theory, but some people sure do seem like wastes of oxygen. It''s the same way for banning - easy to oppose in general, tempting to support in specific cases.
MatrixCubed: Given my reasoning above, I would guess you support the death penalty as well. Harsh punishment is definitely one way to deal with grief players once they''ve been identified. But how do you plan to find them?
SilverMyst: I again return to my forum trolls analogy. How can you make trolls a "feature" of a forum? Admittedly, some people are amused by being mocked and/or duped in clever and inventive ways... but some aren''t. You win all the people who like being abused, and lose all the ones who don''t. I''d say it''s a net loss.
The critical problem as I see it is that grief players will tend to resist being folded into the structure of the game. You mention that griefers will make a set of believable villains. Would that it were so. The difficulty here is that you want to structure the game around a system of heroes and villains, and you will probably therefore attempt to create a balanced system so that the heroes and villains meet in fair and enjoyable conflict. Remember, most players do want to have fun when they''re playing a game. The problem is that griefers will try to avoid playing into your structure, because doing so means that they''re playing the game right and letting others have fun, which is
not their goal. Instead, they will probably attempt to coopt any balancing system by joining a team and then using their team insider status to hinder their team''s efforts. Can you think of a way to prevent this? Think like a bastard.
core: I agree that a system of player self-government is called for. But again: Who becomes judges? Who levies bounties? Who collects them? If the answer to any of the above questions can be "grief players", you might have some trouble on your hands... because if a grief player can wield power over another player, he will.
Dino: Once again, who watches the watchers? You seem to assume that only non-grief players will become Heroes, when in fact griefers will lust after the power to ruin others... and will play very nice until they get that power. The Admins will probably want to watch these "Heroes" very carefully, but again, this is easier than watching all the players.
Korvan: Good point on the corrupt Heroes. But as for the reporting thing: who will wade through all those complaints? Admins? Especially since griefers will probably flood the complaint box with constant reports of everyone they meet. Nothing like making the Admin''s day worse even as you cloud your tracks.
Silvermyst again: I agree that a solution which tasks the admins with handling the players directly is not a scalable and therefore not a feasible solution. However, self-policing with violence, as you suggest, has its problems too. The most obvious of these is that those not capable of bringing the smack have no ability to assert their rights. Now, will grief players be able to bring the smack? You bet they will, with the experience and loot gained from back-alley murder. Furthermore, they will probably have a league of griefer friends who will wait patiently for you to take a side street, then leap upon you and pound you flat. Permanent Death. Ouch. Now you and your combat monkey buddies may do the same to them, and you might even hold your own. But who looks out for the little guy? You guys? Well, you do realize they might be nascent griefers taking advantage of your patronage until they''re tough enough to spit in your face and join the other side. Meanwhile, the opposition is chewing through newbies like popcorn. Not much fun there.
It might work, and it might not. I can''t say for sure. I don''t think it will, though.
Inmate2993: Broadcasting crimes might be a deterrent... but I don''t know if interfactional warfare will be. There are two potential problems I see: the first, as mentioned before, would be a griefer gleefully sabotaging his "own team", and the second would be a griefer combat monkey guild who happily crush all other organizations when not engaged in internal warfare. Still, it''s a start.
In Summary
The key thing to remember about grief players is that they''re
not interested in playing your game. They''re playing their own game, and its only rule is that the rules are irrelevant and the misery of other players is the only real goal. If what they''re doing makes the game more enjoyable for others, they''ll stop doing it and find something that makes the game less enjoyable. Integrating grief play into a game design is a contradiction in terms in my opinion: the whole point of grief play is that it attempts to disrupt the design. Griefers want to
bring your game down, and you should keep this in mind when thinking about how to identify, control, and/or remove them. They''re like script kiddies: without elegance, without a desire to understand, explore, or play along, with only a desire to ruin.
SpittingTrashcanYou can''t have "civilization" without "civil".