Exporting 3ds Max 5 (.max) to Direct3d (.x) ?!?!?!
Anyone know of any reliable way to do this?!?!?! Im at my wits end!!!
1) Our computer lab doesnt have the character studio SDK so we can not fix the Microsoft exporter (Im not even sure it would work since we are using Max 5 and it is written for Max 4). So this isnt an option...
2) Ive tried exporting the scenes under various types. But it appears that every single export type has some sort of problem with exporting the animation!!! Ie, bones are animated but the skinned mesh just stands still, bones exported along a different axis from the skinned mesh, animation not exported at all, you name it!
3) Downloaded Right Hemisphere''s Deep Exploration. Buggy as hell. Tried it on 3 different systems in the lab. Crashes on every single one.
4) Ive tried the Pandasoft DirectX plugin. It is the only thing Ive seen that will export the animation perfectly. However it distorts the mesh texture coordinates!!! GRrrrrrr!!!!!
Ive been spending the last month in our college computer lab teaching myself 3ds Max 5. Ive learned just about everything I need in order to create models, texture them, and then animate them via Character Studio.
Ive come this far and I cant believe it is so difficult to export/convert to .x file format!!! Im just amazed that a product that costs thousands of dollars and boasts itself as the best game development tool doesnt support .X files!
Anyone have any advice/info?
Thanks in advance
I finally got Deep Exploration to load a .max file without crashing the system. They have a Max 5 patch. Unfortunately it doesnt import the .max animations correctly. Bone transformations go all over the place sometimes. Its sad too because this program exports to .x without a hitch. At $250 this program would be a steal if it worked correctly.
Also I just downloaded the Polytrans demo from Okino to give it a shot. Heh, the installation program wont even work. You start it and it gives you an empty pop-up with an Ok button. Click the button, install exits, and no demo installed. And these chaps are asking $800. Pfft!
Whats a guy gotta do to convert to .x? Sell your soul to the devil?!?!
Also I just downloaded the Polytrans demo from Okino to give it a shot. Heh, the installation program wont even work. You start it and it gives you an empty pop-up with an Ok button. Click the button, install exits, and no demo installed. And these chaps are asking $800. Pfft!
Whats a guy gotta do to convert to .x? Sell your soul to the devil?!?!
strange I hear about trouble all the time trying to get a program to export to .x
you woudl think a $35345 program that exports to 45345 formats can export to .x correctly
anyone know why getting a model into .x format has become so hard?
if 3ds max 5 has a .x export right? So I assume they would test it?
you woudl think a $35345 program that exports to 45345 formats can export to .x correctly
anyone know why getting a model into .x format has become so hard?
if 3ds max 5 has a .x export right? So I assume they would test it?
http://www.mattherb.com now with CATCAM!
Exporting bones and animations is always a problem and usually undoable with 3th party tools.
You''d get garantie that the mesh and its materials convert properly but that''s it. If you want the rest to convert too you''ll most likely need a plugin for max to export that format directly from there.
You''d get garantie that the mesh and its materials convert properly but that''s it. If you want the rest to convert too you''ll most likely need a plugin for max to export that format directly from there.
So where do you get a plug-in???
I only know of 2, Pandasoft and the DirectX SDK extras plug-in. And both of these do not work with Max 5.
I only know of 2, Pandasoft and the DirectX SDK extras plug-in. And both of these do not work with Max 5.
I have made a plug-in that works perfectly with 3DSmax 5 if you want it just contact me
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