Original post by Oluseyi
(no offense, but I still find GUI-intensive Java apps slow... maybe Java interfacing with some lightweight native GUI scripting tool...)
Thats not all that far from what Eclipse actually is doing. It uses a custom GUI toolkit called Standard Widget Toolkit(SWT), which uses native widgets as much as possible. This is different to Swing, which only gets a window context from the underlying windowing system and from there on does all it's rendering itself. This is the main cause why Swing(which is what most people think of as "Java GUI") is so slow.
More information about the design of SWT here: http://www.eclipse.org/articles/Article-SWT-Design-1/SWT-Design-1.html
God puts an apple tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden and says, do what you like guys, oh, but don't eat the apple. Surprise surprise, they eat it and he leaps out from behind a bush shouting "Gotcha." It wouldn't have made any difference if they hadn't eaten it... because if you're dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they won't give up. They'll get you in the end. -- Douglas Adams
[edited by - Arild Fines on November 19, 2002 5:45:17 PM]