Original post by EasyRaider
Sacrificed realism for gameplay? I disagree. A somewhat realistic damage model could have been just as well balanced, and would have made the games more enjoyable to me.
For many gamers it would have been a waste. There''s 2 ways to implement what you speak of.
1)Make the bots so rediculously easy to kill that, it''s just a rambo-match ala Serious Sam with a story slapped on in.
This equals commercial failure.
2)Make yourself(the player) AND the bots rediculously easy to kill. In which case anyone who bought the game would probably end up sadly disappointed when they can''t even get through the first level because there''s 100 of them and 1 of you.
The balance in half-life can be a little silly at times, yes(double-barrel shottie to the head, no kill) but it''s better than the alternative.
Original post by EasyRaider
But I have to admit that for Fallout, the right decision would probably have been to use only generic and imaginary weapons. I''m sure gun fetishists liked the selection of FO2, but it really added nothing to the game.
You didn''t play Fallout did you?
No, I don''t think you did.
This is not: "In a galaxy far away a nuclear war destroyed a world" game. The weapons are real because this is(sans comedic-stylings) a game based on earth. *This* earth. Sure, argue that we don''t have power armor and plasma rifles. Gauss pistols or cybernetic dogs. But there''s your imaginary gaming for you. The rest is exactly the same as you''d see if we had a nuclear winter today. A bunch of people with a bunch of different guns. Real guns. Guns currently in use today. Imaginary "super dooper laser blaster mega-man arm thingy cannons" wouldn''t pop up out of nowhere. And humanity wouldn''t just forget how to read the "Desert Eagle .44" printed on the side of the barrel and decide to call it "generic big pistol".
-Ryan "Run_The_Shadows"
-The Navidson Record! The best film you''ll never see!