
How to start?

Started by April 21, 2000 03:21 PM
13 comments, last by josh_pape 24 years, 5 months ago
Hi, I have no programming experience but would really like to start programming, with the final outcome being games. The most complex language I know is html! What I was wondering was How did everyone start? Does any one know of any tutorials and could any one recommend a language to start off on. Thanks for the help, Josh ''There''s a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in.''
''There''s a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in.''
1. Get a cheap compiler (Probably MS Visual C++ 6 Introductory Edition or that free Borland compiler.)
2. Get a book on C++ (Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days, C++ for Dummies, Etc.)
3. Get used to C++.
4. Buy a book on game programming.
5. Get used to that.
6. Keep practicing.

(P.S. Personally, I like C++. But you can also learn Visual Basic or even java-script for the purpose of making games. You might want to look at them and see which one you might like better.)
I started programming 3 years ago with QBasic, but after some lines I realized that PASCAL is much better. I wrote many DOS programs with PASCAL, I learned assembly language, accessing the hardware directly, DOS functions, ......
In summer 1999 I learned C, C++ and windows programming.

I think you should buy a good book about C and C++ like "Teach yourself C++ in 21 days" and you''ll need a book about windows programming.

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I''m pretty new to games programming (well actually, i haven''t really done any yet ) and I''ll tell you how I''ve started off. For a start I got Visual C++, and then I went to, went to the free library and saved the online version of Learn C++ in 21 days (or whatever it''s called). I read through that then bought Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus by Andre Lamothe. I''ve only read about 150 pages but already I think it''s great. And I haven''t heard anyone here say a bad word about it. Myopic Rhino recommends it too.
I think the best bet is to get that book then. I have to warn you, it''s one hell of a big book - 1000 pages. And there''s going to be a second volume. I got it from for about £30.

"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
Can I just ask does anyone know when the second volume of TOTWGPG is out?

"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
I tend to agree with everything said here. Get yourself a compiler and a good introductory C++ book.

Personally, I like Microsoft Visual C++, but the standard edition costs about $100. It''s a great investment if you have the cash. There''s also an introductory edition you can find bundled with some books, which from what I have heard is good enough to learn with.

Also, get a good C++ book. Make sure it is a beginners book and for the love of god, don''t get an introductory book to Visual C++. It''s not the same thing. Finally, if you can find a book that will go along with the compiler you''re using, that will help out a lot, since different compilers tend to do things a little different and that''s just extra complexity for you to deal with.

Finally, game programming is great, but don''t just rush right into it or you are just going to get overwhelmed. Just try to stay focused on C++ and programming first. Once you have that down, then start looking into game programming books.
even thou you can program games in visual basic and/or java i do think you should get a c/c++ compiler since its the standard and will keep you on the right track to get some jobs in the game industry.

if you buy the gurus book from andré you will get a Visual C++ learning edition (you can compile the programs but not distribute them) also buy Teach yourself C (or C++) in 21 days (even thou is great, nothing beats the printed copy of a book), also I recommend Code complete & Game architeture and design to get some good coding techniques and a little more info on the games industry.

dont make the error of trying to build quake in your fisrt attemp, try pong/tictactoe/tetris/asteroids for your first attemps at games (even thou its possible for you to make quake i doubt you can )

David Herod: I don''t remember who told me, but I think the second volume will be out later in the year (maybe October or November)

be well brave souls, be well.
It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
TOTWGPG actually comes with that introductory version of VC++ you mentioned. I never installed it because I''ve already got the standard version, so i don''t know what it''s like

"Born of a Broken Man, but not a broken man."
------------------------------"If a job's worth doing it's worth getting someone else to do it for you....."
i am in the same shoes as you are. i have read c++ in 21 and i bought c++: the complete refernce. great book i t really is teaches you the basics of c and fills you in on c++ than any other book (1000 pages). i plan on buying visual c++ later tonight from amazon for 89.99 it comes w/ a 50 dollar rebate so its 40 dollors total. one thing i wouldnt do is read a game programming book first like i did
so major steps.

1) get a free compiler
2) read and study c/c++
3) get vc++
4) read up on basic win32 api
5) read a game programming book
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