
How to start?

Started by April 21, 2000 03:21 PM
13 comments, last by josh_pape 24 years, 5 months ago
I''m trying to learn the Win32 API right now (at least, enough to write Pong and maybe Tetris and some other small games)...can anyone reccommend (sic?) a good book on the API (NOT MFC...that''s mostly what I see around)? Also...what would be the best book for learning DirectX and what books would be good for game programming, and general game design? Thanx.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."
HOLY COW! That''s a cool link even if you''re NOT new. thanks! how''d you get there if i don''t wanna have to go to this particular thread everytime i wanna go there.

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
quote: Original post by a2k

HOLY COW! That''s a cool link even if you''re NOT new. thanks! how''d you get there if i don''t wanna have to go to this particular thread everytime i wanna go there.


HeHe, Haven''t noticed that page before?

To get there, click on ''New? Start Here'' at the top of the GameDev main page (just besides ''Message Boards'').


Wow, I only wrote my post yesterday!
Cheers for all the replies, I think its C++ for me.

''There''s a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in.''
''There''s a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in.''
quote: Original post by Phantasm

I''m trying to learn the Win32 API right now (at least, enough to write Pong and maybe Tetris and some other small games)...can anyone reccommend (sic?) a good book on the API (NOT MFC...that''s mostly what I see around)? Also...what would be the best book for learning DirectX and what books would be good for game programming, and general game design? Thanx.

P h a n t a s m
"Through dreams I control mankind."

Hey there!
In reply to your Q''s, may I suggest that instead of checking out DirectX you first check out OpenGL. This site has some wicked Tutorials on it by NeHe. Trust me, once you check this out I doubt you will even be interested in DirectX. Well for now at least...... The reason I suggest this, is that openGL must be at least 5 times easier than DirectX, and it still has the same functionality(for graphics anyway...)

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