quote: Original post by Impossible
Sure, I guess these things aren''t necessary, especially if you have a good imagination, but they definitely give us more tangible, physical elements to relate to, which in turn makes things more realistic and emmersive, which makes the game better.
But that''s just it - it doesn''t make the game better, it just makes it nicer to look at. Is Chess actually more fun if you have beautifully hand crafted marble pieces, than if you have carboard cutout pieces?
Of course it isn''t. The marble set looks more attractive and can be a nice decorative piece, but as far as game is concerned it is exactly the same .
Lets expand on this analogy, seeing as you didn''t like my last one. Lets say you are a chess set manufacturer. You have a fixed price point to sell your chess sets, and therefore the cost of each set has a strict upper limit. Given this scenario, which of the following options should you choose?
(a) Manufacture extremely high quality marble chess sets with half the pieces missing
(b) Manufacture tacky plastic chess sets, which are complete.
The mantra of content over style holds true - the complete set is vastly superior - although it may not look as nice, at least it is playable . If you have the resources to spare for the graphics, then do so, but never at the expense of the gameplay - the gameplay is far more important.
Also, I think a lot of people on this board are very guilty of the following stereotype:
"A game is something you play on a computer"