
Do coderz have lives.........

Started by April 20, 2000 04:25 PM
23 comments, last by JmarsKoder 24 years, 4 months ago
Ok first I would like to say I am sick and tired of hearing people talk about "having a life" and "accepting reality" and the such. IMHO Us coders have more of a life than all of the "normal people" that claim to have "lives." Because I am a coder my life has an element of limitlessness, my life is forever exciting, my life is fullfilling to the extreme, my life is imbued with passion, My life is filled with happyness and joy. So what if I dont party, or have a girlfriend. My ex complained that I was giving my computer more love than I gave her. My reply was I do. that was the last time we spoke, damn... that was pretty messed up. but you know what I dont care, or at least thats what I want to believe. But anyway, I am lovin my life to the fullest. JmarsKoder: Founder of "The Minds of Kosign" A group for the most passionate coders. "The Art of Code"
I am XiCI don't do talk, I code: passion is my feul. Use my programs, experience XiC.
Uh, lets go through a few things. First, I have a life. I do lots of stuff that doesnt have to do with computers. Second, your "life" should consist of what you enjoy doing--criticizing what others do in their free time is just down right arrogant, and stupid. Third, I, personally, think your some kind of stupid kid, who makes stupid posts just to draw attention to yourself. Coders is spelled c-o-d-e-r-s, not c-o-d-e-r-z. And your the founder of a club that only has one, im not sure why that is supposed to impress us. Just stop trying to draw attention to yourself, go spend some more time with your parents.

Umm, yeah, I would agree with firahs. To me, sounds like he''s trying to convince himself that he''s not a freak, even though he loves his computer more than his girlfriend.

-Chao Yun
I am completely operational , and my circuits are functioning within acceptable parameters.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
i don''t know whether or not i agree with firahs, but whenever somebody comes to me and says, "YOU HAVE NO LIFE," i use the ultimate comeback:

"I may not have a life, but I sure as hell have a damn good future."

------------------General Equation, this is Private Function reporting for duty, sir!a2k
I definately agree with firahs''s opinion, but I definately do like a2k''s quote

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M
quote: Original post by a2k
"I may not have a life, but I sure as hell have a damn good future."

Awesome quote.

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I must also compliment a2k on that quote

______________Martin EstevaolpSoftware
I do have a life. Its the life of a programmer (or soon to be). Just look what programmers do with thier life as opposed to the everyone else. In the small town where i come from, i am guessing that more than half the people in my grade will end up getting some local job and not have a lot to show for it. I like programming because i can show things for the time that i have used. I can say, ''wow, that was cool. I just made my own dynamically changing weather engine''.

- Moe -

Damn that''s the most shameless plugin. If I ever saw one.
" The fastest code is the code you don't call "

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