
Game Tree classification

Started by October 26, 2002 10:18 AM
2 comments, last by glJunkie 22 years ago
Further to my below post about game trees - I got my tictactoe working, yay!!! Now I have a new question... What are the different ways of classifying game-trees? Im talking game-trees in general. Ive heard of zero-sum games, but are there other-sum games? Also, perfect and imperfect information, are there other possibles? Id appreciate anyone being able to help me with this, or point me to an article that talks about game-tree classification... Thanks, Tim.
Anybody have any thoughts on this?

Well I think you need to ask dif questions... i mean, something is either zero sum or it''s not, and eveything is either perfect or imperfect.

Give up on these classifications, they are useless
Another useful classification is ''N-player'' games. That says how many players are involved, which can be very important

a 1-player game (of course) has a different kind of gametree than a 2-player one, and so on

Always down - Never out
-----------------------Always down - Never out

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