
Post your Stuff and Critiques Here

Started by October 23, 2002 09:22 PM
11 comments, last by Kandolo 22 years, 2 months ago
Hmm... don''t see one of these up. Might as well start up another one Here''s my latest work... Feel free to rip it apart. Self Portrait (Anyone else tried a self portrait? they''re tough) Well, I followed a tutorial for this car... but it still took me forever to model and looks tight What is everyone else working on?
- T. Wade Murphy
Both of those are *way* better than anything I''ve acomplished ^_^.

I''ve been trying for ages to make a good model of a head. The best I''ve made so far just looked like a scary melty mask. I had to stop working on it, it was so freaky.

What did you use to model that head (mesh, nurbs, etc.)?
Ah, here.
This is my first attempt at a "room" sorta scene.

[edited by - Lucidium on October 26, 2002 11:47:43 AM]

[edited by - Lucidium on October 26, 2002 11:48:02 AM]

[edited by - Lucidium on October 26, 2002 11:49:07 AM]
Nice work on the car, Kandolo. The self-portrait is coming along as well. A side view would be helpful to see detail in the ear. A picture of yourself for comparison would also be helpful.

2112 FX :: RELOADED ::
2112 FX :: RELOADED ::
Yeah, I ran out of time for the ear so I winged it really quick. This was for a class. As far as a picture comparison... uhm... the ones I used as guides were really really bad photos (took early in the morning in a hurry)... Here''s a good photo, but an old hairstyle (eh, hair is hard to model neway ;p)

Oh yeah, most recent project (not done yet, not due till thursday though... very quick texture job and the mouth/teeth need work... plus the head seems a little out of balance with those horns...)

And, I ''m currently using Cinema 4d... I''ve also used Rhino3d before. Planning to learn Studio Max next semester (on my own), and then spend a good year with maya in Fine Arts (currently in a telecom 3d class) (we have this fun class at IU where we get to create a 3d Virtual Environment... like a crummy holodeck ) Heads were created starting with a hyper-nurbed cube, making planned cuts, and then point manipulation + extruding polygons.

Heh heh... and if you saw some of my earlier attempts at head making... you''d laugh. I''ve been trying to master the human head for a year now... Here''s some tips... buy some plastiline clay (it never hardens... nice and reusuable) and practice modeling some heads... and try drawing heads and study some proportions. Also, setting up background guides helps too!

Anyone else with any self portraits?
- T. Wade Murphy
Been busy working on current game at work, but here''s some of my personal work:-

Dunno how I missed this thread... anywhere, here´s something I put together yesterday (from a screengrab).

Zonbie: Wow Nice work. Gimme time... I''ll be at the point one day lol. In the mean time, i guess I''ll just try to continue enjoying kicking ass in my intro 3d class.

Hase: Is that a 3d model? I''m confused!

I''m currently modeling another head... (endless heads!! aaahhh!) This time building the geometry as I go along... This takes forever! Some of the results are very pleasing (particularly the eye), however, I keep thinking that just starting with a cube and then making cuts is just sooooo much easier.... What''s everyone''s preferred head making method?

Hmm... mebbe I ought to post this as a seperate topic...
- T. Wade Murphy
*phew* Finally finished the point by point method head... Got a nice texture on this one!!

For comparison... Original photo of my friend, Petek Sabunis...

Man... model enough heads and things start lookin much nicer Argh... if I have to model another head, I''m gonna puke!
- T. Wade Murphy
Very Nice work Kandolo. Biggest issues with your latest head are the lips and ears. They''re too shiny and smooth a little texture work on those would increase its value a lot.

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