

Started by September 30, 2002 08:16 PM
4 comments, last by Thanos 22 years, 3 months ago
I tried my luck at Photo Editing today, here is my results. Any requests or comments are welcomed with open arms. Fixed links now. [edited by - Thanos on September 30, 2002 9:22:36 PM]
/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-Hurry! We must stop the forces of evil!WHAT FORCES OF EVIL?
They look the same to me

2DNow - Specializing in yesterday''s technology today!

yeah...two big red X''s in a white outlined box.
Sup guys?
Looks like something I did back in Junior High with a black and white digital camera and MacPaint. I think it safe to say you had an easier go at things than I had. Had to do all the coloring myself. What a pain that was. Anyway, enough ancient history. It''s decent work assuming you''re a programmer, if you''re an artist... yikes! Those cats look seriously twisted! Anyway, keep at it. I like seeing how other people waste their time so that I don''t feel like I''m the only one doing odd things like that!
If only debugging were as easy as killing cockroaches... *sigh*
Accually I am an artist, but this was about 10 mins of work. Im gonna keep working on it, any suggestions or requests for him/it?
/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-Hurry! We must stop the forces of evil!WHAT FORCES OF EVIL?
I don't know why, but I felt the need to make my version
*no insult intended, but if there is anyone that is, thanks!*

Also, I went ahead and upload one of my previous works that I'm proud of. Ah I love Photoshop!

Link (somewhat large, 416K)

Always remember, you're unique. Just like everyone else.

EDIT: Damn geocities...

[edited by - Greven on September 30, 2002 10:08:24 PM]

[edited by - Greven on September 30, 2002 10:09:33 PM]
Always remember, you''re unique. Just like everyone else.Greven

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