
Your Idols in game design?

Started by August 26, 2002 07:30 PM
51 comments, last by Teamshibi 22 years, 6 months ago
Definatley Sid Meier and Will Wright a couple of the kings... along with Roberta Williams (of King''s Quest fame, people always forget those).

Warren Spector is up there, although he does more production than design I think.

And what was that guy''s name who did all of those text adventures for Infocom.. what was his name?

--Ben Finkel
The "FF guys" are Sakaguchi and Kitase. I would have included them if this was a few years ago just after FF7. After their recent stuff... sure it''s pretty, but they seem to have fallen into a format and are just producing hollywood blockbusters to be fed to the crying infantile public.

Sure, I''d like their salaries and commissions... But I don''t think I''d want to end up in a creative lull like that. Miyamoto has a franchise too, but at least trys to experiment with different gameplay mechanics, or as of late, outrageous graphic direction.

-> Will Bubel
-> Machine wash cold, tumble dry.
william bubel
1) Doug Church (Ultima Underworld 1 & 2)
2) Ted Peterson, Todd Howard & Julian LeFay (Daggerfall!)
3) Warren Spector (System Shock, Thief, Deus Ex)
(But I'm not sure Warren Spector was the Deus Designer)
4) Peter Molyneux (Dungeon Keeper !!!!)

[edited by - Cahaan on August 28, 2002 5:15:32 PM]
Darkhaven Beta-test stage coming soon.
John carmack wasn''t a good game designer. Stop saying he was. He was a programmer. And even if he was a game designer, he sucked at it because quake 3 isn''t very original. Don''t get me wrong, it''s very fun but it''s not that original. I mean, a gun here, a bad guy there. You got a game according to id. But they''re fun anyways.

Well here''s my idols:

1.) Chris Sawyer. I know he didn''t come up with the general idea (from theme park) but the overall game is very well designed. Creating paths, roller coasters, etc are done so easily with their system and the user interface is very well setup and easy to navigate. Also the game runs so fricken fast even when you 1500+ guests all reacting differently. But that''s just programming.

2.) Sid Mier. He''s good and we all know it.

3.) Whoever designed the final fantasy series (especially 4,6, and 7).

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Tim Schaefer - Someone already mentioned him, so yes, he''s awesome.

Ragnar Tornquist - Designed, directed and wrote The Longest Journey. He hasn''t really done that much but I just feel like I''ve gotten to know him through his online journal ( and I love his work.
How could I have forgotten Sid Meier!

And how could I have overlooked Chris Roberts, the man behind my favorite game of all time, Privateer.

You know you''re a programmer when your computer is like family. When it''s more like a lover, you need help.
I am surprised I am the only one who thinks that for the first time ever getting an RTS into full 3D and keep AWESOME gameplay is a great feat. Surprised no one else likes Alex Garden for Homeworld.
Original post by Teamshibi
I am surprised I am the only one who thinks that for the first time ever getting an RTS into full 3D and keep AWESOME gameplay is a great feat. Surprised no one else likes Alex Garden for Homeworld.

Honestly, I tried to like Homeworld. Visually it was incredible. But I could not get used to planning in 3 full dimensions without being about to precisely control where my squadrons went. The interface just did not work for me (and I even took the game back... ugh... there goes my hope for being the next Ender Wiggin... )

Just waiting for the mothership...
--------------------Just waiting for the mothership...
Chris Sawyer anyone? Transport Tycoon wasted most of my early teenage years, and Rollercoaster Tycoon isn''t much different.

- JQ
Full Speed Games. Coming soon.
Anyone heard of WarCraft 1 2 3 Starcraft, Broodwar, Diablo 1 2

Blizzard ownage.

my 2 cents at least

- Goozer

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