
Ignore this

Started by April 02, 2000 09:10 AM
42 comments, last by kieren_j 24 years, 5 months ago
Everyone needs a signature!
George. F"Who says computer games affect kids, imagine if PacMan affected us as kids, we'd all sit around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to repetitive music....uh oh!"
anyone know any good signatures other than the ones you are using? I am thinking of:

never take a bubble bath in pajamas.

you can pick your nose, and you can pick your friends, but you can''t pick your friends nose.

great spirits have always encountered violent opposition

we all like bananas because they have no bones

use the last one.

how''s this?

Its broken

Hi geo! B-) did you said earlier that you had a kinda colour calculator programm?...or something?.... ...have problems to get my signature look good! ....btw...its not that funny to just sit down and write the html for the colours by hand... .....

quote: Original post by GEo

Everyone needs a signature!

Juuust testing...

Game project(s):
=======================Game project(s)
Sorry for bringing this post on top, but... i have to try it until im happy =)

Game project(s):
=======================Game project(s)
Anybody like my signature?
Ok, yeah, maybe it sucks, but it''s true!!! I can change it, though.

Don't mess with the monkey, or she''ll get all Bruce Lee like on you. ;)
Don't mess with the monkey, or she''ll get all Bruce Lee like on you. ;)
How''s this?
the mine still the best one

-when everything else fail , read the instrutions manual

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